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Cutscenes appear before the power shots of some of the new characters in the game. When they come, the character in question will launch an enhanced power shot, which is usually slightly better than the regular one. It was introduced when Norway and Mongolia made their appearance in the game, in Update 5.4.

Here's a list of characters that can have a cutscene (Note that all of them since Norway got a cutscene):

All Known Cutscenes


  • Bulgaria technically has a cutscene for his air shot.
  • Mongolia's Cutscene has a different appearance depending on the power shot he uses. It will be red if he uses his ground shot, and purple if he uses his air shot.
  • Senegal will also have a different Cutscene. His air shot will show the shadow of a shark head, while his ground shot will show his whole form.
  • Norway and The Philippines are the only characters that have (only) one Cutscene. Norway for his air shot, and The Philippines for her Ground Shot.
  • The Philippines, Costa Rica and Peru are the only characters that don't appear on their own Cutscenes.
  • Bolivia and Silicon Valley's Cutscenes will have the same appearance, no matter what is the power shot they use. However, the animation will be different.
  • Boxing and Iceland will change their pose depending on which cutscene appears.