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Character 87 2.png

General information
Full name Democratic Republic of the Congo
Flag DRC Congo Flag.png
Character number 87
Stars 5
Power Shot(s) King of Congo shot, building (skyscraper) shot, and barrel shot.
Unlock Requirements Win Fight Mode with 60 goals, or pay 8,600,000 points.
Icon Congo Icon.png
Previous Character Taiwan
Next Character StarBase

Congo (French:Congo) is the 87th character in the game.

He was added in the Update 6.12. He is a 5 Stars character.


Congo is an animated character who has brown hair and blue eyes, and a lens resembling a Power Scouter from Dragon Ball.

Power button Effect

Congo transforms into a gorilla and occasionally swings his arms around out of rage

Power Shots

Air shot

skyscraper shot: Congo transforms into King kong and punches the building, When it gets damaged it causes 3 large fragments of the building to fly out, He punches the building 3 times ( there are 9 fragments in total.)

After the building is partially destroyed, A gorilla will appear on the opponent's side, and the gorilla will procede to kick the opponent to Congo, Congo will end it by punching them into the ground and crushing the opponent.

Cutscene: mostly the same except for the ending where the opponent gets knocked out of Earth.

Ground Shot

King of Congo shot:Congo transforms into King kong and punches the building, When it gets damaged it causes 3 large fragments of the building to fly out, He punches the building 4 times ( there are 12 fragments in total.)

After the building is partially destroyed, A gorilla will appear on the opponent's side, and the gorilla will procede to kick the opponent to Congo, Congo finishes it off by burying the opponent into the ground and beating them up.

Cutscene: Mostly the same but he has an additional set of fragments, and the final hit only contains 1 projectile, Congo ends it by knocking the opponent towards the earths.

Counter Attack

Barrel shot: Congo rolls on top of a barrel swiftly towards the goal


Congo wears a random S or SS rank costume

Sound Effects of Congo


Unlock Requirements

To unlock Congo, you must clear Fight Mode while scoring at least 60 goals. This unlock is a challenge, as it means you must focus on draining the opponent's health bar only by scoring goals and avoiding hurting them in other ways, such as with power effects and Powershots.

Now let's do the math here. A goal drains 20 health points. Fight Mode contains 3 characters with 100 HP (Max 5 goals each), 3 with 110 HP and 2 with 120 HP (Max 6 goals each), The Philippines with 130 HP and Senegal with 140 HP (Max 7 goals each), Bolivia with 150 HP (Max 8 goals) and Silicon Valley with 180 HP (Max 9 goals). These numbers are taken assuming the best case scenario in which you only drain their healthbars with goals and nothing else. Now, if we add all the max possible goals together (5+5+5+6+6+6+6+6+7+7+8+9), the total sum of max possible goals you can score in Fight Mode is 76. Which means it's possible, but it will definitely take a lot of effort.

Fortunately, there is one character that's perfectly suited for this challenge that requires a high goal rate and little to no harm for the opponent: France. His Powershot is a guaranteed goal as long as you use it on the center of the field, which means you can use him to easily stack goals without risking any unnecessary damage to the opponent.


  • Congo's appearance is similar to King Kong from Ozaru series.
  • He is one of that characters that are animated even in his regular form.
  • He is one of the characters that show their teeth.
  • He is one of the characters that has an accessory that can't be kicked off (his glasses) unless he uses his power activation (similar to The Philippines).
  • Since the update 6.20, Congo appears in Death Mode as the boss of the stage 29, remplacing WatermeBot, he will be found again as the before last character you face in stage 30 before facing the final boss.


Version March 17, 2021
6.12 Added Congo

All Characters
Character01.png - Character02.png - Character03.png - Character04.png - Character05.png - Character06.png - Character07.png - Character08.png - Character09.png - Character10.png - Character11.png - Character12 1.png - Character13.png - Character14.png - Character15 1.png - Character16 1.png - Character17.png - Character18.png - Character19 1.png - Character20.png - Character21 1.png - Character22.png - Character23 1.png - Character24.png - Character25.png - Character26.png - Character27.png - Character28.png - Character29 1.png - Character30.png - Character31.png - Character32.png - Character33.png - Character34 1.png - Character35.png -Character36.png - Character37.png - Character38.png - Character39.png - Character40.png - Character41.png - Character42.png - Character43.png - Character44.png - Character45.png - Character46.png - Character47.png - Character48.png - Character49.png - Character50.png - Character51.png - Character52.png - Character53.png - Character54.png - Character55.png - Character56.png - Character57.png - Character58.png - Character59.png - Character60.png - Character61.png - Character62.png - Character63.png - Character64.png - Character65.png - Character66.png - Character67.png - Character68.png - Character69.png - Character70.png - Character71.png - Character72.png - Character73.png - Character74.png - Character75.png - Character76.png - Character77.png - Vietnam-Character84.png - Iran-Character79.png - CostaRica-Character80.png - Ghana-Character81.png - Character82.png -Venezuela-Character83.png - Character84.png - Character85.png - Taiwan-Character86.png - Congo-Character87.png - 2E308BFD-CA42-4850-9B3A-6A08AACFB9E3.png - Character89-Tanzania.png - Character 90-Paraguay.png - Character91.png.png - Character92.png - Character 93.png - Character94.png - Character95.png - Character96.png - Suriname.png - Character98.png - Character99.png