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Character 81 Power Effect.png

General information
Full name Ghana
Flag Flag of Ghana.svg.png
Character number 81
Stars 5
Power Shot(s) Fishing Bait Shot, Gas Contaminants Shot, and Harpoon Shot
Unlock Requirements Clear Fight Mode without a Kick or pay 8,000,000 Points
Icon Icon81.png
Previous Character Costa Rica
Next Character Henos

Ghana (English: Ghana) is the 81st Character in the game. He was added in Update 6.6. He is a 5 Star Character.


Ghana has same skin a Nigeria, Black short hair, a beard, brown eyes, medium eyebrows, big nose, big ears, a open mouth and he will grin angry

Power Button Effect

Ghana's Power Button Effect

Ghana jumps as a water beam coming from his feet wraps him, damaging the opponent as he transforms into a fisherman. He then takes a harpoon and starts shooting at the opponent.

Power Shots

Air Shot: Fishing Bait Shot

Ghana AirShot.jpg

Ghana whistles and throws three fish baits, forcing the player to go dizzy and making them unable to move. Right after, he attempts to fish the player using a fishing rod, with the hook containing the ball, and if the player is caught he will be thrown into a fish bucket in the middle of the field. In his cutscene, he will again fish for the opponent immediately after the first time (similar to Panama's two syringes instead of one). The opponent is trapped for a few seconds and Ghana has an open goal chance with a middle-sized ball.

Ground Shot: Gas Containers Shot

Ghana GroundShot.jpg

Ghana fires by arriving in a fishing boat by his own goal. Then he lights 3 gas containers which are shot towards the opponent's goal. All of the gas containers contain a ball, yet only the third one can be countered. With the cutscene, he fires an additional gas cylinder.

Counter Attack: Harpoon Shot

Ghana CounterAttack.jpg

Ghana will jog towards the opponent and become exponentially faster until he reaches them. When the player is hit, they will be captured in a net and sent outside the stadium. Ghana then has an open goal chance.


Ghana doesn't wear a standard costume.

Sound Effects of Ghana

Power Button Effect


Power Shots


Hurt Sound

Unlock Requirements

Win a Fight Mode without using Kick or pay 8,000,000 Points.


Version June 24, 2019
6.6 Added Ghana


Head Soccer Logo.png
The Head Soccer Wiki has a collection of images related to Ghana.
  • He is the 10th African Character in Head Soccer.

All Characters
Character01.png - Character02.png - Character03.png - Character04.png - Character05.png - Character06.png - Character07.png - Character08.png - Character09.png - Character10.png - Character11.png - Character12 1.png - Character13.png - Character14.png - Character15 1.png - Character16 1.png - Character17.png - Character18.png - Character19 1.png - Character20.png - Character21 1.png - Character22.png - Character23 1.png - Character24.png - Character25.png - Character26.png - Character27.png - Character28.png - Character29 1.png - Character30.png - Character31.png - Character32.png - Character33.png - Character34 1.png - Character35.png -Character36.png - Character37.png - Character38.png - Character39.png - Character40.png - Character41.png - Character42.png - Character43.png - Character44.png - Character45.png - Character46.png - Character47.png - Character48.png - Character49.png - Character50.png - Character51.png - Character52.png - Character53.png - Character54.png - Character55.png - Character56.png - Character57.png - Character58.png - Character59.png - Character60.png - Character61.png - Character62.png - Character63.png - Character64.png - Character65.png - Character66.png - Character67.png - Character68.png - Character69.png - Character70.png - Character71.png - Character72.png - Character73.png - Character74.png - Character75.png - Character76.png - Character77.png - Vietnam-Character84.png - Iran-Character79.png - CostaRica-Character80.png - Ghana-Character81.png - Character82.png -Venezuela-Character83.png - Character84.png - Character85.png - Taiwan-Character86.png - Congo-Character87.png - 2E308BFD-CA42-4850-9B3A-6A08AACFB9E3.png - Character89-Tanzania.png - Character 90-Paraguay.png - Character91.png.png - Character92.png - Character 93.png - Character94.png - Character95.png - Character96.png - Suriname.png - Character98.png - Character99.png