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Character75 1.png

General information
Full name Iceland
Flag 1280px-Flag of Iceland.svg.png
Character number 75
Stars 5
Power Shot(s) Strong Throw Shot, Smash Fury Shot, Knockout Shot
Unlock Requirements Win Fight Mode without conceding a goal against Silicon Valley or pay 7,400,000 points.
Icon Icon75.png
Previous Character Boxing
Next Character Panama
Iceland' (Icelandic: Ísland) is the 75th character, who was added in Update 6.2. He is a 5 Star Character. He is based off WWE Wrestler The Undertaker.


Iceland has white skin, long brown hair, a mean face expression, and very short facial hair.

Power Button Effect

When activating his Power button effect, Iceland will be revealed to be a wrestler, wearing a white tiger mask. He will summon Ice, freezing the opponent next to him (if they're in his ice range) and will smash the opponent with a chair three times, hurting him the 1st and 2nd time, and smashing him into the ground the 3rd time.

Power Shots

Air Shot: Strong Throw Shot

Strong Throw

Iceland will rip off his shirt, and then throw different objects, such as a chair, a camera, and a guitar. With his air shot activated, he will throw another camera. Note that every object contains a ball. When the opponent touches one of the objects, he will either be sent out of the stadium, or Iceland will grab him and send him flying. If the final object hits the opponent, Iceland will jump into his goal and then body slams the opponent.

Ground Shot: Smash Fury Shot

Smash Fury

When performing his ground shot, Iceland will rip off his shirt, and try to grab the opponent. If he does catch him, he will smash him against the ground violently and then send him flying. In his cutscene, he will first punch and hit the opponent towards his side, and then, if he catches him, he will smash him even more violently, sending the opponent away.

Counter Attack: Knockout Shot

Knockout Shot

When counter-attacking, Iceland will, as usual, rip his shirt off and then run towards the opponent and kick him out of the stadium if this one touches the ball. Notice that Iceland always kicks the opponent perpendicularly to the opponent's screen border, when you are Iceland and counter a power shot, the AI will not jump and kick as usual, he/she will just kick, meaning that you can score easily with this counter.


Iceland doesn't wear a standard Costume.

Unlock Requirements

Win Fight Mode without conceding a goal against the boss character (Silicon Valley) or pay 7,400,000 Points.


Version May 2 2018
6.2 Added Iceland.


Head Soccer Logo.png
The Head Soccer Wiki has a collection of images related to Iceland.

All Characters
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