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Character83 2.png

General information
Full name Venezuela
Flag Flag83.png
Character number 83
Stars 5
Power Shot(s) Rock Shot, Rapid beam kick and Dash Kick Shot.
Unlock Requirements Complete Fight Mode with 50 Characters / Purchase with 8,200,000 Points
Icon Icon83.png
Previous Character Henos
Next Character Boomtank

Venezuela is the 83rd' (Spanish: Venezuela) character in the game. He was added in Update 6.8. He is a 5 Star Character.


He appears to have tan skin, blonde hair, bushy brown moustache & beard. His normal appears appears to be similair to Chuck Norris

Power Buton Effect

Football helmet beam: Venezuela receives a football helmet, and occasionally shoots a blue beam when the helmet's face mask opens.

Power Shots

Air shot

Rock Shot: Venezuela kicks the ground, and then 3 rock projectiles appear, He kicks them off from the lowest to highest.

Cutscene: same as the regular rock shot except he performs a dash kick at the end.

Ground Shot

Rapid beam kick: Venezeula shoots 5 blue beams out of his feet after that he performs a bunch of kicks, and ends it off by striking a plank of wood that the opponent is holding.

Cutscene: He starts off by shooting 10 blue beams, Then he sends out a blue spirit of himself to deal a bit of damage, and finally ends it by crushing the opponent with his leg.

Counter Attack

Dash Kick Shot: Venezuela dashes towards the opponent and performs a flip kick to obliterate his opponent.



Sound Effects of Venezuela


Hurt Sound

Unlock Requirements

In order to unlock Venezuela, you'll have to clear Fight Mode with 50 different characters, therefore, you need enough experience in the game to unlock him. Venezuela is also purchasable through points. The amount is 8,200,000.


Version June 05, 2020
6.8 Added Venezuela


Head Soccer Logo.png
The Head Soccer Wiki has a collection of images related to Venezuela.

All Characters
Character01.png - Character02.png - Character03.png - Character04.png - Character05.png - Character06.png - Character07.png - Character08.png - Character09.png - Character10.png - Character11.png - Character12 1.png - Character13.png - Character14.png - Character15 1.png - Character16 1.png - Character17.png - Character18.png - Character19 1.png - Character20.png - Character21 1.png - Character22.png - Character23 1.png - Character24.png - Character25.png - Character26.png - Character27.png - Character28.png - Character29 1.png - Character30.png - Character31.png - Character32.png - Character33.png - Character34 1.png - Character35.png -Character36.png - Character37.png - Character38.png - Character39.png - Character40.png - Character41.png - Character42.png - Character43.png - Character44.png - Character45.png - Character46.png - Character47.png - Character48.png - Character49.png - Character50.png - Character51.png - Character52.png - Character53.png - Character54.png - Character55.png - Character56.png - Character57.png - Character58.png - Character59.png - Character60.png - Character61.png - Character62.png - Character63.png - Character64.png - Character65.png - Character66.png - Character67.png - Character68.png - Character69.png - Character70.png - Character71.png - Character72.png - Character73.png - Character74.png - Character75.png - Character76.png - Character77.png - Vietnam-Character84.png - Iran-Character79.png - CostaRica-Character80.png - Ghana-Character81.png - Character82.png -Venezuela-Character83.png - Character84.png - Character85.png - Taiwan-Character86.png - Congo-Character87.png - 2E308BFD-CA42-4850-9B3A-6A08AACFB9E3.png - Character89-Tanzania.png - Character 90-Paraguay.png - Character91.png.png - Character92.png - Character 93.png - Character94.png - Character95.png - Character96.png - Suriname.png - Character98.png - Character99.png