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Character 82 Power Effect.png

General information
Full name Henos
Flag Flag of Henos.png
Character number 82
Stars 5
Power Shot(s) Red Stone Shot, Blue Stone Shot, and Green Stone Shot
Unlock Requirements Pay €8,49 (EU)
Icon Henos Icon.png
Previous Character Ghana
Next Character Venezuela

Henos is the 82nd character in the game. He was added in Update 6.7. He is a 5 Star Character.


He looks exactly like Marvel Studios' Thanos. He has a purple skin, big head, grey chin and blue eyes.

Power Button Effect

If he activates the power button, Henos will get his suit just like he wears in Avengers: Infinity War and the last scene of Avengers: Endgame. It is golden with black armour. He also wears the Infinity gauntlet, which he will regularly smash the opponent with.

Power Shots

Air Shot: Red Stone Shot

Henos 18.png

Henos uses the red stone of the Infinity Gauntet to grab an asteroid from space, crumbling it into meteors. He then throws the meteors in a curve to the opponent. One of the meteors contains the ball. If the opponent touches the piece with the ball, he will get thrown in a hole and disappear. With his cutscene, he will cast twice as many meteors as in his standard power shot. If the opponent is hit by the meteor containing the ball, Henos will snap his fingers (like in the Blip in Avengers: Infinity War) and vaporize his opponent.

Ground Shot: Blue Stone Shot

Henos 7.png

Henos uses the blue stone on his Infinity Gauntlet. He grabs six rocks with blue cracks out of the bottom and throws them horizontally to the opponent. After that he throws the ball in a blue sphere to the opponent. If the opponent touches this, he will get stuck in the sphere and disappear for a couple of seconds. With his cutscene, he throws eight rocks and two blue spheres.

Counter Attack: Green Stone Shot

Henos 13.png

Henos uses the green stone on his Infinity Gauntlet, yelling "Time Stone!". He moves the infinity gauntlet upwards and collects a beam, which he throws at the opponent. When the opponent touches it he is pushed away. The ball is also inside the green beam and, if the opponent doesn't counter the ball and touches it, he will be grabbed by Henos and smashed on the ground, where he will be stuck for a couple of seconds.


Henos wears randomly a Costume with an effect.

Sound Effects of Henos

Power Button Effect


Power Shots


Hurt Sound

Unlock Requirements


In order to unlock Henos, you'll have to pay €8,49. Headballs Unlock : No ❌


Version November 22, 2019
6.7 Added Henos


Head Soccer Logo.png
The Head Soccer Wiki has a collection of images related to Henos.
  • Henos is completely based off Thanos from Marvel Comics. He is the fourth character to resemble a character from Marvel or DC Comics, after Portugal, Mon-K and Serbia.
  • He is the third character that costs money to unlock, after The Devil and Mon-K.
  • Henos' air shot is a reference to MCU movie Avengers: Infinity War. In this movie, Thanos grabs a meteor to throw on Iron Man. Henos does exactly the same, but of course, this time on the opponent.
  • He is the thirteenth non-country character in the game.
  • He is the second character which has a purple skin, the first is Luxembourg.
  • He is the only character that have an special ability even if he doesn't activate his power and that could explain why he is a paying character.
  • Since the update 6.20, Henos is the boss of the stage 20 in Death Mode, remplacing India. He cannot be found again on later stages.
All Characters
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