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Character 90-Paraguay.png

Paraguay Power Effect.png

General information
Full name Paraguay
Flag Paraguay Flag.png
Character number 90
Stars 5
Power Shot(s) Virus Shot, Mutant Egg Shot, Nuke Shot
Unlock Requirements Clear Fight Mode, without pet(cat) dying or unlock 8,900,000 Points
Icon Paraguay Icon.png
Previous Character Tanzania
Next Character Iraq

Paraguay is the 90th (Spanish: Paraguay) character in the game. He was added in Update 6.14. He is a 5 Star Character.


Paraguay has an old man appearance, which is inspired by Albert Einstein. His eyebrows are joined forming an unibrow, his hair has a spiked form, he has blue/cyan eyes, he uses a white face mask that covers his nose and mouth. He has an open hole in the top of his head but still leaving space for hair in the back surroundings. The hole in his head is a reference to the fact that Albert Einstein's brain was stolen after his death.

Power Button Effect Appearance

When Paraguay's Power Button is activated, he puts on a lab glass container that contains a liquid in it. Inside the container a brain can be seen. He has a brown bag in his back. Every 5-4 seconds he throws a face mask with a green goo surrounding it that when it hits the enemy stuns it for a small-time, it can be seen that during the stun the enemy wears the facemask. When throwing the mask projectile Paraguay sticks his tongue out (Referencing to Albert Einstein sticking out his tongue), his eyes change to a brighter cyan.

Power Shots

Air Shot: Virus Shot

Paraguay AirShot2.png

Paraguay draws 4 different shapes of virus that turn into virus meteors that appear from the sky and fall diagonally towards the opponent goal (similar to Henos air shot, but with a bigger hitbox). Each meteor has a different appearance looking similar to the drawings made on the whiteboard. After sending out all the virus, Paraguay draws a virus (similar to a COVID-19 virus) in his whiteboard, and extends his contaminated hand directly to the goal. If it hits the opponent, Paraguay will pull them, send them inside a lab beacon with a liquid similar to the one in the container that has Paraguay brain, turning the opponent into a crawling mutant similar to one that appears on his ground shot but with the face of the opponent. The mutant would eventually break off the beacon spilling all the liquid on the floor and eventually explode along with the lab beacon. His cutscene air shot will make more 2 meteors per drawing (8 meteors in total).

Ground Shot: Mutant Egg Shot

Paraguay GroundShot2.png

Paraguay draws 2 pairs of drawings 2 balls with a zigzagged mouth and 2 balls with imperfections. Paraguay releases all 4 balls, the zigzagged mouth balls become into 3 mutants per drawing that jump towards the enemy pushing him, and the balls with imperfections are thrown towards the enemy goal. After that,Paraguay will draw an egg on the whiteboard, he will throw the eggshell while a creature similar to a scorpion digs into the ground and summons 3 spiked that cute the enemy head. His cutscene ground attack will increase the speed of the projectiles when getting thrown .

Counter Attack: Nuke Shot

Paraguay CounterAttack2.png

Paraguay will draw a nuke in his whiteboard, and sending a nuke to the goal in a mid-distance from the floor. If the nuke hits, it will explode, generating a mushroom cloud and making the opponent temporarily disappear.


Paraguay wears any S or SS rank costume.

Sound Effects of Paraguay

Power Button Effect


Power Shots


Hurt Sound


Unlock Requirements

Clear Fight Mode, without pet(cat) dying or unlock 8,900,000 Points


Version October 26, 2021
6.14 Added Paraguay and Iraq


Head Soccer Logo.png
The Head Soccer Wiki has a collection of images related to Paraguay.
*He is the 11th South American character in the game.
  • He is based on Albert Einstein (the power button effect shows he has his brain outside his head, a reference to the fact that Albert Einstein's brain got removed after he died).
  • He is also based on Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty, this can be seen on the unibrow and hair appearance and also the fact that he is a scientist.
  • His powershot probably referencing to the COVID Virus
  • Since the update 6.20, Paraguay now appears in Death Mode as the boss of the stage 22 remplacing Singapore.
All Characters
Character01.png - Character02.png - Character03.png - Character04.png - Character05.png - Character06.png - Character07.png - Character08.png - Character09.png - Character10.png - Character11.png - Character12 1.png - Character13.png - Character14.png - Character15 1.png - Character16 1.png - Character17.png - Character18.png - Character19 1.png - Character20.png - Character21 1.png - Character22.png - Character23 1.png - Character24.png - Character25.png - Character26.png - Character27.png - Character28.png - Character29 1.png - Character30.png - Character31.png - Character32.png - Character33.png - Character34 1.png - Character35.png -Character36.png - Character37.png - Character38.png - Character39.png - Character40.png - Character41.png - Character42.png - Character43.png - Character44.png - Character45.png - Character46.png - Character47.png - Character48.png - Character49.png - Character50.png - Character51.png - Character52.png - Character53.png - Character54.png - Character55.png - Character56.png - Character57.png - Character58.png - Character59.png - Character60.png - Character61.png - Character62.png - Character63.png - Character64.png - Character65.png - Character66.png - Character67.png - Character68.png - Character69.png - Character70.png - Character71.png - Character72.png - Character73.png - Character74.png - Character75.png - Character76.png - Character77.png - Vietnam-Character84.png - Iran-Character79.png - CostaRica-Character80.png - Ghana-Character81.png - Character82.png -Venezuela-Character83.png - Character84.png - Character85.png - Taiwan-Character86.png - Congo-Character87.png - 2E308BFD-CA42-4850-9B3A-6A08AACFB9E3.png - Character89-Tanzania.png - Character 90-Paraguay.png - Character91.png.png - Character92.png - Character 93.png - Character94.png - Character95.png - Character96.png - Suriname.png - Character98.png - Character99.png