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Character 92 Power Form.png

General information
Full name Morocco
Flag Flag of Morocco.png
Character number 92
Stars 5
Power Shot(s) Nail Shot; Hound Shot; Hound Bite Shot
Unlock Requirements Clear Fight Mode in less than 8 minutes or pay 9,100,000
Icon Morocco Icon.png
Previous Character Iraq
Next Character Kenya

Morocco (Arabic: المغرب) the 92nd character in the game. She was added in Update 6.15. She is a 5 Star Character.


Morocco is an animated character who has blonde hair, blue eyes, and some paint near her eyes. She was inspired by Harley Quinn from DC Comics.

Power Button Effect

Morocco will create a pink beam around her, and hurt the opponent when it touches them. She wears a mask similar to Harley Quinn's. Every few seconds, she will spin something like a yo-yo, which will make the opponent unconscious if they are hit.

Power Shots

Air Shot: Nail Shot

Morocco AirShot.jpg

Morocco will hold a gas tank and a lot of nails, then she will shoot bloody nails all around her; one of the nails fired towards the opponent's goal contains a ball. Then, she will inflate with air into a balloon with nails piercing it from inside and float in the air, shooting a shorter nail series, this time with two fiery objects containing two balls towards the opponent's goal. If the opponent can't counter it, they will be beheaded with two nails stuck in their head, leaving an open-goal chance. If the cutscene plays, she will do it faster and shoot an additional nail series before floating in the air.

Ground Shot: Hound Shot

Morocco GroundShot.jpg

Morocco will release four black hounds. While she carries a bunch of rockets on her back, the hounds will run to the opponent, containing balls. Then she will shoot the rockets on her back in a curved pattern from above. If the opponent can't counter the power shot, the hounds will devour the opponent, leaving an open-goal chance. If the cutscene is played, she will do it faster and shoot an additional rocket series at the opponent with the same effect if the opponent can't counter it.

Counter Attack: Hound Bite Shot

Morocco Counter1.png

Morocco will hold a hound in her hand, with another one standing behind her. She will then blow the hound she holds in her hand, like a balloon, to the opponent. If the opponent can't counter it, the creature will eat them and leave an open-goal chance.


Morocco wears a random S or SS rank costume

Sound Effects of Morocco

Power Button Effect


Power Shots


Hurt Sound


Unlock Requirements

To unlock Morocco, you must clear Fight Mode and beat the boss Silicon Valley in less than 8 minutes or pay 9,100,000 points. This makes her unlock requirement the polar opposite to Congo. While Congo requires you to score as many goals as possible, to unlock Morocco scoring goals is actually a detriment, as the clock keeps ticking even during the GOAL! animation. Instead, what you need to do to beat the timer is to deplete your opponent's health as fast as possible and save as much time as you can for Silicon Valley.

8 minutes is a tight time limit, considering Fight Mode has 12 matches total. The good thing is, this timer only works during Matches, not while flying from a country to another or during the minigames. It starts only at the start of a match and freezes only when a player is KO'd The problem is that, as previously mentioned, the timer keeps running when someone scores a goal, and if you lose a life and retry, you do NOT recover the time from the match you lost, which means losing even once is not an option.

I said "tight", not "impossible".

The easiest way to unlock her (if you don't have an SS-rank Costume) is by using a character with a damaging Power effect (Pluto and all characters after him), and capitalizing on their Power effect and shots to drain your opponents' health bar as fast as possible. A good recommendation is Ecuador, since his Air Shot and Counter Attack deal a lot of damage.

As a bonus tip, if you have high-damaging costumes such as the Sawblade Costume or the Spinning Hands Costume, then beating the timer will be a walk in the park. Overall, the challenge might seem tough at first, but it's all about being prepared enough to pull it off.


Version May 4, 2022
6.15 Added Morocco and Kenya


Head Soccer Logo.png
The Head Soccer Wiki has a collection of images related to Morocco.
  • She is the 11th African character from Head Soccer.
  • It is the third country added after the other Head Basketball game.
  • Her face is a reference to DC Supervillain, Harley Quinn.
  • She is one of the charaters that has blonde/yellow hair.
  • She is one of the characters that show their teeth.
  • Morocco is one of the character that doesn't appear in Death Mode.
All Characters
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