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Character98 1.png

General information
Full name Malaysia
Flag Malaysian-flag-large.png
Character number 98
Stars 5
Power Shot(s) TBA
Unlock Requirements Win the Major League with 180 goals or more or pay 9,700,000 points
Previous Character Suriname
Next Character Uzbekistan

Malaysia is the 98th character in Head Soccer. He is added from Update 6.19. He is a 5 star opponent in Arcade.


Malaysia looks like an old man who has white hair and beard, and has closed eyes. He also has a scar in his right eye and is somewhat looks like one of the Five Elders of one piece named as saint Jaygarcia Saturn.

Power Button Effect

A wooden crate will fall to Malaysia and he creates a purple beam, which hurts the opponent if they are standing too close. He wears a crown and sitting in a castle. Every few seconds, he will shoot an arrow and a cannon bullet looks like a bowling ball to the opponent, hurting them.

Power Shots

Air Shot: Castle Shot

Malaysia Air1.png

Malaysia will sit inside the castle's foundation, which will be built as a complete castle. Malaysia then appears, summoning the black minions, who will shoot fiery arrows down to the field. Malaysia will then shoot four medium-sized laser beams in four different directions, all diagonally towards the opponent's goal. He will then shoot the fifth one, which is the large-sized beam diagonally to the opponent goal. All of the laser containing balls. If the opponent can't counter it, they will be turned into a skeleton that crawls in the field and melts. If the cutscene plays, the power shot will be done faster, and if the opponent can't counter it, an animation will feature the skeleton of the opponent bumped into a dragon head, and then the dragon will rise up and say, "Ouch."

Ground Shot: Trampoline Shot

Malaysia Ground1.png

Malaysia will jump on a trampoline, which has the word "Slayer" word printed on it. Every time he jumps in a trampoline, he will summon four worm-like creatures in four different directions with two minions covered by purple liquid, they containing two balls, and he will do it two times before his third jump. In his third jump, he shoots a large purple beam containing the final ball. If opponents can't counter it, they will be turned into skeletons, walk slowly, and then crawl in the field. If the cutscene plays, he will do it faster, and there is an additional shoot before his final jump. If opponents can't counter it, they will be turned into skeletons skeleton walk slowly, and they will be electrified by a black minion and disappear.

Counter Attack: Slash Shot

He dashes into the opponent while flailing his sword around, and upon getting close to the opponent he slashes them, branding them with what seems to be a Z, leaving the opponent cowering in fear and giving an open-goal chance for a few seconds.


Malaysia wears random costumes.

Unlocking Requirements

Win the Major League with 180 goals or more or pay 9,700,000 points.


Version December 8, 2023
6.19 Added Malaysia


  • It is the fourth country added after the other Head Basketball game.
  • He is the 22nd Asian character in the game.
  • He is the 6th Southeast Asian character in the game.
  • He is a reference to a game named Dinosaur slayer made by D&D Dream as seen on his groundshot with the word “slayer” on top of it.
  • When Colombia uses his air power against Malaysia, he references geralt from Witcher 3 more specifically the bathing scene.
  • Since the update 6.20, Malaysia is the boss of stage 24 in Death Mode remplacing The Netherlands.
All Characters
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