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Wales is the 94th Character in Head Soccer. He was introduced in Update 6.16 along with Qatar. He is a 5 Star Character in Arcade mode



Wales Power Form.png

General information
Full name Wales
250px-Flag of Wales.svg.png
Character number 94
Stars 5
Power Shot(s) Kraken Ink Shot, Kraken Tentacle Shot, Kraken Slam Shot
Unlock Requirements Defeat the alien (Keppler 22B) in the tournament without Powershot, Jump, Dash, or Kick, or unlock 9,300,000 points
Icon Wales Icon.png
Previous Character Kenya
Next Character Qatar


Wales appears as a red squid. He has a blue and white striped bandana and an eyepatch. He could be a reference to Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean, especially in his Power Button Form, as both are squid pirates.

Power Button Effect

A waterspout appears around Wales. Wales turns a darker shade of red and looks more like a squid, having more tentacles on its face. Its bandana also transforms into a real pirate captain hat with skull and crossbones.

Power Shots

Air Shot: Kraken Ink Shot

Wales AirShot2.jpg

Wales appears as a large red squid monster (a reference to Davy Jones' Kraken) with flailing tentacles and a crown. It launches 2 balls covered in ink along with several water balls before shooting a beam of ink with 2 more balls, you have to block all of them. If the cutscene plays, then the shots will all be faster and one additional ball will be shot immediately after Wales starts his air shot.

Ground Shot: Kraken Tentacle Shot

Wales GroundShot2.jpg

Wales stabs at the goal with his tentacles 4 times, then shoots an ink blob with the ball in it, if the opponent touches the ball, then Wales will grab them with its tentacles and slam them into the ground. If the cutscene plays, then an additional ink blob will be shot, with the ball in it. The opponent has to block both the ink blobs to prevent Wales from scoring. If they do, Wales will push them out of the arena with a tentacle and a cutscene with a tentacle piercing Planet Earth will play.

Counter Attack: Kraken Slam Shot

Wales CounterAttack2.jpg

When Wales counters a Power Shot, he turns into the kraken, then shoots a single ink blob with the ball in it. Then he intertwines his tentacles and slams them down onto the opponent, knocking them offscreen.


Wales does not wear a standard costume.

Unlock Requirements

Defeat Kepler 22B in Tournament without using Powershot, Jump, Dash, Kick or unlock 9,300,000 points. Definitely a hard one to unlock as the alien doesn't always show up at the end of the tournament and you are restricted to only basic movement.


Version October 21, 2022
6.16 Added Wales and Qatar


  • He is the 30th European country in the game.
  • He and Iran is the only characters in game wears eyepatch.
  • He is only character in the game have pinkish red skin
  • Since the Update 6.20, Wales is the Boss of stage 23, replacing Israel.

All Characters
Character01.png - Character02.png - Character03.png - Character04.png - Character05.png - Character06.png - Character07.png - Character08.png - Character09.png - Character10.png - Character11.png - Character12 1.png - Character13.png - Character14.png - Character15 1.png - Character16 1.png - Character17.png - Character18.png - Character19 1.png - Character20.png - Character21 1.png - Character22.png - Character23 1.png - Character24.png - Character25.png - Character26.png - Character27.png - Character28.png - Character29 1.png - Character30.png - Character31.png - Character32.png - Character33.png - Character34 1.png - Character35.png -Character36.png - Character37.png - Character38.png - Character39.png - Character40.png - Character41.png - Character42.png - Character43.png - Character44.png - Character45.png - Character46.png - Character47.png - Character48.png - Character49.png - Character50.png - Character51.png - Character52.png - Character53.png - Character54.png - Character55.png - Character56.png - Character57.png - Character58.png - Character59.png - Character60.png - Character61.png - Character62.png - Character63.png - Character64.png - Character65.png - Character66.png - Character67.png - Character68.png - Character69.png - Character70.png - Character71.png - Character72.png - Character73.png - Character74.png - Character75.png - Character76.png - Character77.png - Vietnam-Character84.png - Iran-Character79.png - CostaRica-Character80.png - Ghana-Character81.png - Character82.png -Venezuela-Character83.png - Character84.png - Character85.png - Taiwan-Character86.png - Congo-Character87.png - 2E308BFD-CA42-4850-9B3A-6A08AACFB9E3.png - Character89-Tanzania.png - Character 90-Paraguay.png - Character91.png.png - Character92.png - Character 93.png - Character94.png - Character95.png - Character96.png - Suriname.png - Character98.png - Character99.png
