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Character 93.png

Character 93 Power Form.png

General information
Full name Kenya
Flag Flag of Kenya.webp
Character number 93
Stars 5
Power Shot(s) Origami Shot, Worm Shot, Peck Shot.
Unlock Requirements Clear Head Cup with the Butterfly pet or pay 9,200,000 Points.
Icon Kenya Icon.png
Previous Character Morocco
Next Character Wales

Kenya is the 93rd character in the game. She was added in Update 6.15. She is a 5 Star Character.


Kenya is an animated character who has brown hair, and pinkish-purple eyes.

Power Button Effect

When Kenya activates her power shot, a brief burst of pink light appears around her, with a beam above it, releasing confettis all around her. She will then wear a blue bird costume and shoot a round of 3 laser beams every 3 seconds in a straight line that will hurt the opponent.

Power Shots

Air Shot: Origami Shot

Kenya AirShot.jpg

Kenya flies in the air with her bird costume and generates confetti, which then turn into four origami birds and fly towards the opponent goal in curve lines. Each origami bird contains a ball. If the opponent can't either counter or power-block it, Kenya will use a basket to grab the opponent, which she will then punch with her wings. The opponent will then have a dizzy face and won't be able to move for a few seconds, leaving an open-goal chance. If the cutscene plays, she will generate more paper origami, making her power shot even harder to block and counter for the opponent, and they will have the same effect on her non-cutscene power if they can't either counter it or power-block it.

Ground Shot: Worm Shot

Kenya GroundShot.jpg

Kenya's ground shot name is unknown, but it could be fair to name it "Worm Shot" according to the animation. Kenya removes her pants and defecates several red excrements shaped like worms that bounce on the ground towards the opponent and can potentially score if they don't manage to block them. If the opponent blocks all of the worms, Kenya will take a giant whip shaped like a giant worm to trap the opponent. Then, she will pull and stretch it towards herself and release the extremity onto the opponent, which will disintegrate their head in a red fiery explosion shaped like a skull.

Counter Attack: Peck Shot

Kenya CounterAttack.jpg

Kenya will rush toward the opponent using a skateboard and her bird costume. If the opponent can't counter it, Kenya will peck their head multiple times until there is only the lower part of the head left, leaving an open-goal chance for a few seconds.


Kenya wears a random S or SS rank costume.

Sound Effects of Kenya

Power Button Effect


Hurt Sound


Unlock Requirements

To unlock Kenya, you must clear Head Cup with the Butterfly pet or pay 9,200,000 points.


Version May 4, 2022
6.15 Added Morocco and Kenya


Head Soccer Logo.png
The Head Soccer Wiki has a collection of images related to Kenya.
  • She is the 12th African character from Head Soccer.
  • She is one of the characters that has brown hair.
  • She is one of the characters that show their teeth.
  • Kenya is one of the characters that doesn't appear in Death Mode.
All Characters
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