Kick is the Power you get when you click on the Kick Button (the middle button of the Power Button, Kick Button, and the Jump Button). When you click on the Kick Button you will kick. This is needed to Counter Power Shots from your opponents, kick out their costumes and make them unconscious. You can upgrade your kick Stats with Points to make your kicks more powerful. This makes it easier to score with hard shots in your opponent's goal.
Achievement Kick
There is also an Achievement called kick. You can't kick and that can be annoying. The opponent is still able to kick you and you can't do it back. Also, you can't counter power shots from your opponents. Counter Attacks are useless when you can't use kick. You need to find a Character that has a good air shot, such as India or Ecuador. Also, you must hold Power Shots and hope the opponent won't score.
Unlock Requirements with don't kick
- Ireland: Win a Tournament without using Kick, Power Shot and Dash.
- Luxembourg: Beat 39 Characters in Arcade without Kick.
- Colombia: Reach the SS Rank without using Kick.
- Singapore: Win the Major League without using Kick.
- Pluto: Win without Power Shot, Win 10 times, Win by a 10 goal difference, Win without conceding a goal, Win without Dash, Win with 5 Counter Attacks, Win without Jump and Win without using Kick.
- India: Win the Amateur League without using Jump and Kick.
- Hong Kong: Reach the SS Rank without using Jump, Kick and Power Shot.
- Ecuador: Win the Head Cup without using Kick and Dash.
- Czech Republic: Win the Minor League without using Kick and Jump.
- Ghana: Clear Fight Mode without using Kick
- Wales - Defeat the alien without using Powershoot, Jump, Dash, Kick