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Achievements are used to unlock Characters. They can only be unlocked in Arcade mode. Each opponent has his own set of achievements, but you can get them with any character you want.


Without Losing 1 goal Achievement.gif

Win with more than 10 goals Achievement.gif
  • Win by 10 goals more than your opponent: Mexico (Arcade) and Japan (Tournament Final).

Without using Power Shot Achievement.gif

Win 10 times Icon.gif

Win in Sudden Death Achievement.gif

Without Dash Achievement.gif

Achiveicon7 1.png

Achive 8 1.png

Achive 9 1.png

Achive 10 1.png


  • Win in a Sudden Death, win without using power shot, win by more than 10 goals, win without conceding a goal, win 10 times beating: Asura.

  • All achievements except the win without hurt and pet achievement against: Pluto.

  • All achievements except the win without hurt achievement against: Algeria.

Tips and tricks

Win without conceding a goal

You can look here for some advanced tactics.

Win without hurt

Use Ukraine to unlock this achievement, because Ukraine can't get hurt while she is in her power shot phase. Just make sure your power shot is ready before your opponent does his, and you won't get hurt. Also, don't go near your opponent and he wouldn't kick you. Alternatively, all characters who intercept their opponent's power shot with their own will not be hurt, but watch out if the opponent has any power shot activation/ active abilities, e.g when India activates his power shot or when it is active (does not apply to Ukraine). Also try to avoid harmful costumes your opponent may wear.

Win in sudden death

There are two ways:

  1. Just jump over and walk/dash your opponent into your goal before the match even starts, and wait until the result at 0-0 comes, so you will be in a 0-0 sudden death. Then, just make sure you win. However note that you must have high jump and dash stats, or wear a costume that boosts them. This is also one of the ways to win without losing a goal to your opponent.
  2. First, score a goal. Then, go in your goal and wait until your opponent scores a goal. Then, score a goal again, and let your opponent score a goal again etc. You have to be careful about the time and everything when doing this. If you did everything properly, you should end in the sudden death. Then, just make sure you win it.