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Survival 2-1-.png
Survival 1-1-.png
Rank Match

The Survival game mode is all about surviving for as long as you can, playing opponent after opponent. It's recommended to play this game mode only once you've gotten the hang of controlling your character; the longer you survive, the more difficult your opponents become. Survival is a great way to win all kinds of costumes.


Your run is done in stages. In each stage, you face a different opponent. It's possible to face an opponent more than once. The higher the stage, the more points you receive from beating the stage (see table below). A stage is just a regular match, except for the fact that it does not end when the time is up. Rather, a stage ends when you or your opponent concedes a certain amount of goals.

The amount of goals you can concede appears at the top of the screen as a row of soccer balls. Conceding a goal removes a ball. You beat a stage when you remove all of your opponent's balls. Your run ends when you lose all of your own balls.

Gaining balls

Your Survival skill determines the total amount of goals you can concede. You don't have all of your balls at the start of your run. You must gain these by beating stages. Depending on how quickly you beat a stage, you can gain up to three balls.

The alloted time to receive bonus balls is 20 seconds for the first 10 stages and 15 seconds more for each 10 stages after. You lose your first bonus ball when you have less than 40% of the alloted time remaining, the second at 20%, and the last one when you run out of allotted time. You don't lose the game when the alloted time for bonus balls runs out.

The soccer balls at the top of the screen appear next to an amount of transparent circles, or empty slots. Your amount of empty slots represents the amount of balls that have not been gained yet. Lost balls are replaced with empty slots.

Ranked Matches

Every tenth stage, you have a Ranked Match. In this stage, you play against the Cyborg, who's wearing a costume of a certain rank. If you beat the stage, you win the costume. Costumes get better the higher your rank is. The rank of the costume is either equal to or less than the rank you are currently at. After winning a Ranked Match, you go up a rank. The lowest and starting rank is F. The highest rank is SS.

After you reach a higher rank, your opponents will have more balls and will be more difficult to play against. They will have upgraded stats such as speed, jump, kick, and power shot, and there is a higher chance that they wear a strong costume, especially the ones that deal damage (S and SS).

You receive 50 points after beating the first stage. Beating the next stage will get you 30 points more than the previous stage (50, 80, 110, 140, ...). Every character has it's own record. If you watch a Video in Survival, you will get a free ball (not on Mac).

Head Soccer Logo.png
The Head Soccer Wiki has a collection of images related to Survival.

Survival Statistics Table

The below table shows the requirements and rewards for each rank in the survival mode.

Column A

This column shows which stages the corresponding row relates to.

Column B

This shows what rank you will be when you reach the stages in Column A. Officially, the highest rank is the SS Rank. Ranks SS (+1) to SS (+27) are included only to extend the table of information. You won't see these in-game, as the highest rank in the game is SS.

Column C

This column shows how many goals you need to score to win each stage.

Column D

The cumulative total number of goals. For example, to reach the SS rank (stage 71), you must score a total of 280 goals (from stage 1 to stage 71). To reach SS (+10) (stage 171), you must score a total of 1530 goals.

Column E

The average amount of points you earn for winning a stage. This is an average based on each of the 10 stages for that particular Rank. So for example, at Rank C (stages 31 -40) you will earn on average 1085 points per game. During Rank SS (+10) (stages 171 - 180) you will earn on average 5285 points per game.

Column F

Cumulative total amount of points. So for example when you reach the SS rank (stage 71), you will have earned 75,950 points since the first stage. If you reach SS (+10) (stage 171), you will have earned 439,450 points since the first stage.

Column CC

Costume Chance - this is the percentage chance to get a costume in that particular rank. For example, at stage 50, you have a 21% chance to get a B rank costume, and 0% chance to get an SS rank costume. At stage 70, you have a 14% chance to get a B rank costume, 21% chance of S rank but still 0% chance of an SS rank costume. When you get to stage 80, you finally have a chance to get those SS rank costumes, but it's only 37%, so if you play stage 80 three times, it's likely you will only get 1 SS rank costume.

The final column shows the percentage chance to get any 1 costume out of the costumes that are available. So for example at stage 10, you only have 8 F rank costumes available, so if you want the poop costume you have a 12.5% chance to get it. At stage 20, you have 8 F rank and 7 E rank costumes available, so if you want the rabbit ears costume you have a 6.6 chance. Once you get to stage 80, there is only a 1.1% chance of getting any particular costume.

Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F CC CC CC CC CC
Stages Rank Goals Needed

Per Game

Total Goals Points Per

Game (Average)

Total Points B A S SS Any
1 - 10 F 1 10 185 1,850 0 0 0 0 12.5
11 - 20 E 2 30 485 6,700 0 0 0 0 6.6
21 - 30 D 3 60 785 14,550 0 0 0 0 4.5
31 - 40 C 4 100 1,085 25,400 0 0 0 0 3.3
41 - 50 B 5 150 1,385 39,250 21 0 0 0 2.6
51 - 60 A 6 210 1,685 56,100 18 16 0 0 2.2
61 - 70 S 7 280 1,985 75,950 14 12 21 0 1.7
71 - 80 SS 8 360 2,285 98,800 9 8 13 37 1.1
81 - 90 SS (+1) 9 450 2,585 124,650 9 8 13 37 1.1
91 - 100 SS (+2) 10 550 2,885 153,500 9 8 13 37 1.1
101- 110 SS (+3) 11 660 3,185 185,350 9 8 13 37 1.1
111 - 120 SS (+4) 12 780 3,485 220,200 9 8 13 37 1.1
121 - 130 SS (+5) 13 910 3,785 258,050 9 8 13 37 1.1
131 - 140 SS (+6) 14 1,050 4,085 298,900 9 8 13 37 1.1
141 - 150 SS (+7) 15 1,200 4,385 342,750 9 8 13 37 1.1
151 - 160 SS (+8) 16 1,360 4,685 389,600 9 8 13 37 1.1
161 - 170 SS (+9) 17 1,530 4,985 439,450 9 8 13 37 1.1
171 - 180 SS (+10) 18 1,710 5,285 492,300 9 8 13 37 1.1
181 - 190 SS (+11) 19 1,900 5,585 548,150 9 8 13 37 1.1
191 - 200 SS (+12) 20 2,100 5,885 607,000 9 8 13 37 1.1
201 - 210 SS (+13) 21 2,310 6,185 668,850 9 8 13 37 1.1
211 - 220 SS (+14) 22 2,530 6,485 733,700 9 8 13 37 1.1
221 - 230 SS (+15) 23 2,760 6,785 801,55 9 8 13 37 1.1
231 - 240 SS (+16) 24 2,990 7,085 872,400 9 8 13 37 1.1
241 - 250 SS (+17) 25 3,240 7,385 946,250 9 8 13 37 1.1
251 - 260 SS (+18) 26 3,500 7,685 1,023,100 9 8 13 37 1.1
261 - 270 SS (+19) 27 3,770 7,985 1,102,950 9 8 13 37 1.1
271 - 280 SS (+20) 28 4,040 8,285 1,185,800 9 8 13 37 1.1
281 - 290 SS (+21) 29 4,330 8,585 1,271,650 9 8 13 37 1.1
291 - 300 SS (+22) 30 4,630 8,885 1,360,500 9 8 13 37 1.1
301 - 310 SS (+23) 31 4,940 9,185 1,452,350 9 8 13 37 1.1
311 - 320 SS (+24) 32 5,260 9,485 1,547,200 9 8 13 37 1.1
321 - 330 SS (+25) 33 5,590 9,785 1,645,050 9 8 13 37 1.1
331 - 340 SS (+26) 34 5,930 10,085 1,745,900 9 8 13 37 1.1
341 - 350 SS (+27) 35 6,280 10,385 1,849,750 9 8 13 37 1.1


The survival game mode is tough, especially to get the better rewards. But once you get the hang of it, it can have very good rewards. It's exciting because you never know which costumes you are going to unlock, but this can also make it frustrating. If you are able to get to stage 120+ easily, then you will be earning lots of points and unlocking good costumes. It's a good game mode to leave until the end, when you have unlocked all the characters, upgraded your stats to the max and you are fairly good at the game. Then you can concentrate on earning points and unlocking costumes.

Character Unlocks

There are 11 characters you can unlock by doing something in Survival.

  1. Cyborg: Reach the SS Rank in Survival.
  2. Portugal: Unlock 9 SS Rank Costumes.
  3. Chile: Reach the SS Rank without using a Power Shot.
  4. Poland: Reach with 21 Characters the SS Rank.
  5. Egypt: Reach the SS Rank without using Dash.
  6. Greece: Reach the SS Rank without conceding more than 5 goals.
  7. Colombia: Reach the SS Rank without using Kick.
  8. Hong Kong: Reach the SS Rank without using jump, kick and power shot.
  9. Indonesia: Reach the SS Rank with 50 Counter Attacks.
  10. Norway: Reach the SS Rank without getting Hurt.
  11. Tanzania: Clear 250 stages.

Tips and Tricks

Of course, different people will favor different characters, but overall these are the recommended characters to use: New Zealand, Thailand, and Spain. For using Spain it is recommended to play more defensively than usual and saving up your power shot until you think you will really need it. When you think your opponent will score, whether or not via his power shot, activate your own! When you are always close to your goal, you will use him in his recommended range so you can make it score, and you will concede less!

You should upgrade your Power Shot because at higher stages, characters gain power very fast and have a higher chance of wearing a strong costume. A character like Finland is even able to cycle his Power Shot indefinitely. So perhaps use Finland himself: his air shot is unstoppable from your goal line, it will burn to ashes even Norway or Nepal and it's slow enough to let you fill the power bar in the meantime.

Costume glitch

When you start a rank match against Cyborg and are looking for a certain costume to unlock, look what costume Cyborg is wearing. When he wears the wrong one, turn off your phone (attention: just pausing the game won't work here) and come back to Survival, and he will wear an other, randomly chosen costume. Because it's always random, you might have to repeat these actions several times before you finally got the costume you want. The main problem is that the 3 bonus balls mistake occurs in which your survival balls will be reduced to 3 and can't win them back. To fix that, press Pause when the game starts, give up, then start again. You would then have 3 balls with 7 dimmed/lost. So: you still only got three Survival balls, but at least you can earn more if you win the match. Still, you must beat Cyborg with only three lives, which will be hard. But at least your opponent is Cyborg and not some overpowered character, so if you're an advanced player, you will be fine. It's recommended to wear a costume while doing this (for example one that you unlocked with this glitch).

Calculations for Points

The amount of points P you earn from completing round N is given by P= 30N + 20

The total amount of points S from completing rounds 1 through N is given by S = 15N^2 + 35N.

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