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This page sums up all mistakes in Head Soccer, explains them, and gives you tips to avoid them or use them in your advantage. There's also mentioned in parentheses in the mistake title how necessary it is that a mistake is fixed. Glitches are mistakes too, but glitches help you to win the game, while mistakes aren't at all useful and should actually be fixed by D&D Dream.


Some of these mistakes might be fixed now, because of Update 6.4

Global mistakes

These are mistakes which can occur in any match.

USA mistake (Must get fixed)

When USA uses his power shot, the ball turns invisible and you can't see it. However, when you use USA's shot, the computer always exactly knows where the ball is, making USA's shot weaker for you than it is for the computer.

Italy unlock screen mistake (Doesn't have to get fixed)

When you've unlocked Italy, you'll get a screen with the text "Italia Unlock". Not only the word "Unlock" should be "Unlocked" (see the Unlock screen mistake for more information), but there is yet another mistake in this two-word message. "Italia" should just be "Italy", it shouldn't be written in Italian, but in English.

Germany mistake (Must get fixed)

Germany mistake

Every first time in a match that Germany's Dark Shot is used, another purple ball briefly shows up high in the air in the middle of the field and disappears again. It doesn't do anything at all.

Germany invisibility mistake (Must really get fixed)

Germany invisibility mistake

This is one of the most irritating and worst mistakes in the whole game. I don't know how you can make it happen, but it sometimes happens when playing with or against Germany. It happens sometimes when Germany uses his power shot and the defender jumps to block the purple balls, often 40 to 50 seconds before the match ends. Then the game will start to lag and you and Germany get invisible, one of the players gets a goal. And after that, that player gets almost immediately another goal every time after kick-off. But this never stops. The players stay invisible, one of them keeps on scoring and time doesn't pass... and the game never ends, so you have to give up. However, for some people times does actually pass! This means that they get many extra goals, and they will win matches with unbelievable results. If you go to your Most goals record, you will also see your false record. But whether time passes for you or not, this mistake is wrong in so many ways.

Spain mistake (Must get fixed)

Very occasionally when Spain flies up in the air to do his power shot, his three balls won't go with him, so he will fire the three balls towards the ground instead of towards the goal, and sometimes Spain himself also stays close above the ground while launching his shot. This happens very occasionally in normal games, but in Multiplayer games it occurs much more because of the lag, and it mostly wastes Spain's shot.

Spain vs Saudi Arabia mistake (Must get fixed)

When Spain explodes due to Saudi Arabia's power shot, but he catches the ball with his power shot activated at the same time, he will explode and fly out of the screen but still do his power shot very high in the air, even so high that his shot will always go over his opponent's goal. It would be better if Spain uses his shot at the normal height in this situation.

Netherlands, Cyborg and Ireland mistake (Doesn't have to get fixed)

When the Netherlands, the Cyborg and Ireland get hit by Portugal's Spider shot or Australia's web costume, they will all look differently than normal. Netherlands's glasses will be upside down, Cyborg's head will look a bit different on top and Ireland's four leaf clover will also be upside down, which is unrealistic.

Netherlands vs Super Saiyan mistake

Netherlands vs Super Saiyan mistake (Doesn't have to get fixed)

Normally when Netherlands does his Black Hole Shot, the ball is in the middle of the black hole. But when Netherlands uses his shot after Super Saiyan has used his, he shoots only the black hole, without the ball in it (of course the black hole still contains the ball, only it isn't visible).

Cyborg mistake (Doesn't get fixed)

If you counter Cyborg's Damaged Power Shot, you will hear the sound of Cyborg's first Power Shot while you use Cyborg's Damaged Power Shot, which is a mistake, but not a big one.

Turkey vs Denmark mistake (Must get fixed)

Turkey vs Denmark mistake

This is a weird mistake which can only occur when Denmark and Turkey play a match against each other. When Denmark uses his Power Shot and Turkey does his Power Shot right after that, it can happen that Denmark gets captured in Turkey's bubble but he doesn't float into the air. He only loses his Missile Launcher Costume but the bubble stays on the ground and Denmark can't come out of it until a goal is scored.

Portugal, Spider Web Costume and Stage 17 mistake 1 (Must get fixed)

Portugal, Spider Silk Costume and Stage 17 mistake 1

Sometimes when something goes wrong with Portugal's power shot, the player who got hit gets tangled up, but the player doesn't get hung up on the ceiling. In fact, he can walk normally, you only see that he is covered in the spider silk, which is upside down. It can also happen with the Spider Web Costume and in Stage 17 of Death Mode with the spiders hanging in the ceiling and shooting their silk. At least it is recognized that it happens every time the player got hit by two of them at the same time. For example: He gets hit by Portugal's shot and the Spider Web Costume at the same time.

Portugal, Spider Web Costume and Stage 17 mistake 2 (Must get fixed)

When most characters with a special power button effect step in the spider silk and are dangling on the ceiling in the spider silk cocoon, their whole head will be invisible. This works for characters like Serbia, Super Saiyan and WatermelBot for example.

Devil mistake (Doesn't have to get fixed)

When Devil uses his power button effect, he transforms into a purple bat. But from that moment, he will not, or hardly, be able to use kick anymore. Even when he changed back to his normal form, his kicking problem won't disappear. But this bug only seems to occur with CPUs, not when you play as Devil yourself.

Canada mistake (Must get fixed)

When the opponent gets hit by Canada's Power Shot, he can sometimes still move, which isn't the purpose of the after effect. Also, you will be able to use your Power Shot while on Canada's Power Shot effect, but just not your power button effect(s).

Chile mistake (Must get fixed)

Sometimes when you counter Chile's Snake shot, the snake will jam for a little while, and occasionally the game will even crash. The chance that this happens is greater when you counter Chile's shot while being in your own goal, so after Chile has already scored out of his Snake shot.

Poland grammar mistake (Should get fixed)

Poland's Unlock Requirement says: "You won SS Ranks of 21 characters in the Survival or Unlock 2,200,000 Points", but this would mean that you have to win Stage 71-92, while D&D Dream actually meant to say that you have to "Reach SS Rank in Survival with 21 Characters", and therefore, the guy who makes these Unlock Requirement bars should take lessons in English badly.

Egypt mistake (Must get fixed)

When Egypt uses his power shot while he is standing in his own goal and you counter his power shot, the ball goes into the goal. Later, when the word Goal is in the front of the screen and you counter his power shot back, the game will immediately crash, which is very annoying, because you did all that work for nothing.

Valentine mistake (Must get fixed)

There is a remarkable difference in his appearance in the Player Select Screen and during matches. In matches he wears a small brown clown hat, in the Select Screen he wears a bigger, red and white striped hat.

Super Saiyan mistake (Must get fixed)

Super Saiyan Mistake

If Super Saiyan activates his power button, his hair will change from black to blonde. But when there is a goal scored before Super Saiyan can use his power shot, you see some black hair on top of his blonde hair after kick-off, which is a very weird mistake, and similar to Czech Republic mistake 3.

Ireland mistake 1 (Must get fixed)

Sometimes if you counter Ireland's Power Shot and use it on him or you are Ireland and use your Rainbow Shot on the opponent, there can happen a rare mistake. Most time this will happen if you are using Uruguay's Costume. The most time when you knock Ireland or your opponent while the Rainbow is going on the opponent, he will be pushed in his goal and won't walk anymore. He will restart with walking when there is made a goal. However, this mistake is very rare.

Ireland mistake 2 (Must get fixed)

If you stand in the place Ireland is standing when he uses his shot, the rainbow balls won't push you back, and will simply disappear.

Ireland and Denmark mistake (Must get fixed)

If Ireland's and Denmark's Power Shots are countered by the other player, the Power Shot will be much stronger than before. The rainbow balls or bullets will push you back much harder than usual, making you unable to jump and move forward. This makes the countered versions of Ireland's and Denmark's Power Shots much stronger than the actual ones.

Greece mistake (Must get fixed)

Greece Mistake

Rarely, Greece's head can come in a weird position. It seems to happen if you get hit by his counter attack fast enough, then his head won't reaccommodate to the normal position. Maybe it can happen to other characters as well, but this isn't known yet.

Greece's Spear Shot mistake (Doesn't have to get fixed)

When you are Greece and you counter your opponent's Power Shot, you will shoot Greece's Spear Shot. But if your opponent counters your Spear Shot, he will shoot Greece's first shot, the Sparta Shot back. This is a mistake, because when you counter any other counter attack, you will just use that exact same power shot.

New Zealand mistake (Must get fixed)

When Characters with a special body due to a Power Button Effect (like India, Czech Republic, Nepal and Ukraine) get hit by the lightning in New Zealand's Haka Shot, then both their bodies will be visible at the same time and this mistake lasts until a goal is scored or a Power Shot is used.

Sweden mistake (Must get fixed)

This mistake is very similar to the Egypt mistake. But now it only happens when you must play Sudden Death. Sweden will use his Power Shot and when the words Sudden Death are in the front of the screen, the game will totally crash and you did all for nothing.

New Zealand, Croatia and India stuck in the ground mistake (Must get fixed)

New Zealand, Croatia and India stuck in the ground mistake with India

When Croatia gets crushed into the ground, what you see is Croatia's head with the section with the eyes taken out, and then put back together. When India is stuck in the ground, it looks like he has two heads. New Zealand's one only happens when he has activated his Power Button. He has a double head, but different from India.

Israel mistake (Doesn't have to get fixed)

When you use Israel's Hammer shot and the enemy counters it or vice versa, he will counter Israel's first shot.

Australia mistake (Doesn't have to get fixed)

Australia mistake

When Australia's Power Shot is wasted (because Australia got hit by his opponent's Power Shot while standing behind the goal line, for example), he will still hold his sceptre, as you can see on the photo, while he hasn't got his Power Button activated and he also doesn't wear his wizard robe and hat. But when Australia activates his Power Button again, the sceptre will remain and he will wear his wizard robe and hat again, as usual. After he has launched his Power Shot, he will just look normal again and he doesn't hold his sceptre anymore. The Australia mistake is not a bad mistake, but it definitely is one.

Australia vs Mexico mistake (Must get fixed)

When you, being Australia, counter Mexico's Power Shot and the Mexico mistake happens, there can happen another mistake as well if you use your own shot afterwards. So if you counter Mexico's shot and use it, and then use your own shot afterwards, you will be able to walk during your Power Shot. If you then move forward, you will walk right into your own Power Shot and you will transform in a kangaroo or Dalmatian yourself. Your sceptre will sometimes still hang around in the air and sometimes you can also still see the red eyes of Australia on the field. When you transform back to your normal appearance, everything will go to normal.

Australia stuck in the ground mistake (Must get fixed)

When Australia has activated his Power Button and is wearing his wizard hat, there can happen a mistake. If you use Mon-K's Air Shot on Australia, the wizard hat will appear above Australia and not on the head of him. This is a mistake, because it looks ugly.

Denmark costume mistake (Doesn't have to get fixed)

When you start the match with Denmark's Costume or your opponent wears the Costume, it looks very bad at first, like it is going to launch a yellow ball of electricity, but after 2 seconds the Costume will look normal again. This is the appearance of the Costume when it use his effect. But it's a mistake because the Costume doesn't use his effect.

Austria mistake

Austria mistake (Must get fixed)

When you use Austria's Air shot, it's possible to counter your own Power Shot! This is because the Power Shot is very slow, but actually you shouldn't be able to counter you own shot. This is also disadvantageous to the other side, because Austria's counterattack is much better. This can also happen with Switzerland's Yeti Shot.

South Africa and Saudi Arabia mistake

South Africa, Saudi Arabia and Madagascar vs Colombia mistake (Must get fixed)

When South Africa, Saudi Arabia and Madagascar get hit by Colombia's Power Shot, the skin of their body is white instead of black, which is just very stupid, because their head is black.

Thailand mistake 1 (Must get fixed)

If you have the Wolf costume and you use Thailand's ground shot, your enemy will disappear. However, this mistake is very rare.

Thailand mistake 2 (Must get fixed)

When you counter Thailand's Air Shot while you are standing on the ground, you will shoot Thailand's Ground Shot back. This is a mistake, because it would be so much more logical if you just shoot Thailand's Air Shot, the shot which you have countered, back.

Thailand mistake 3 (Must really get fixed)

If you play versus Thailand in Survival mode, and use a character whose power effect can stun Thailand and send him flying to his goal,(this is tested only with Hong Kong but may work with other characters) after he gets un-stunned, he will go back to the ball at SUPERSONIC speed. This only works in survival, and may ruin your ground powershoot.

Switzerland mistake (Must really get fixed)

If Switzerland does his Ground Shot, the snow comes horizontally towards the opponent, and it will transform him into a snowman. Sometimes if the snowball comes to destroy the snowman, the snowball disappears in front of the snowman, so his opponent will be a snowman the whole game. It often happens when the snowman is close to your or your opponent's goal. This is also one of the most hated mistakes in the game.

Belgium mistake
Pluto mistake

Belgium mistake (Must get fixed)

Sometimes after Belgium has used his Power Shot, he still wears the Rock Concert Hat of the Power Button Effect. This Mistake is similar to the Australia mistake, where Australia still holds his sceptre.

Pluto mistake (Must get fixed)

If Pluto gets hit by Australia's or Colombia's power shot and he doesn't change back to normal before a goal is scored, his feet will be invisible after kick-off until he activates his power, so that you only see his head.

Pluto vs Belgium mistake

Devil, Valentine and Pluto vs Belgium mistake (Doesn't have to get fixed)

When one of Devil, Valentine or Pluto gets hit by Belgium's air shot, he doesn't get the hippy haircut which every other character gets when he is transformed into a hippy and runs around due to the after effect.

Croatia and India vs Colombia mistake (Must get fixed)

Croatia and India vs Colombia mistake

Normally, when a character gets hit by Colombia's power shot, he will get naked. However, when India and Croatia get hit by Colombia's Power Shot, the same will happen, but then with another, normal India and Croatia standing behind their naked versions. So you will see two India's or Croatia's: a naked one in the front and a normal one behind him.

Uruguay mistake 1 (Must get fixed)

Uruguay mistake 1

Sometimes when you use his power shot and it's finished, you are stuck in your tank and can't do anything until the opponent scores a goal in your or his net, but this mistake doesn't occur often. It seems to happen mostly when your opponent counters your air shot. While he is shooting the rockets into your goal, you are still there, stuck in your tank.

Uruguay mistake 2 (Must get fixed)

Sometimes when you use Uruguay's counter attack or ground shot, the upper part of his tank is still visible afterwards, while the rest of the tank is already gone, but it doesn't do anything.

Uruguay mistake 3 (Doesn't need to get fixed)

If you mute both the music and the sound in-game and play against Uruguay, you'll still hear some sound effects from his air shot

Uruguay and Czech Republic mistake with Czech Republic

Uruguay and Czech Republic vs Luxembourg, Spain, UruguayUkraine and Fiji mistake (Must get fixed)

This mistake happens when particular characters use their Power Shots right after one of Uruguay and Czech Republic has used theirs. The character will then just do his Power Shot, but with the effect of his opponent's Power Shot. For example, when Luxembourg uses his Plant shot right after Uruguay has used his air shot, the first two balls of Luxembourg's three plant balls will explode, in the same way as in Uruguay's air shot. The same will happen when Spain uses his shot after Uruguay has used it, only here the last ball explodes. And when Spain, Luxembourg, Uruguay or Ukraine and maybe some other characters too, use their power shots right after Czech Republic has used his air shot, the ball in their shots will explode in the same way as in Czech Republic's air shot, so you'll even see the two lightning shockwaves which travel through the ground horizontally afterwards.

Hungary and Czech Republic mistake (Must get fixed)

Hungary and Czech Republic mistake with Hungary

When you are Hungary or Czech Republic and you counter a shot, but just before your counter attack starts you press the power button, your counter shot will disable and the ball disappears for a while and comes back afterwards.

India's air shot mistake (Must really get fixed)

India's air shot mistake

If you manage to counter India's air shot, the Fireball shot, you change into a mummy and you go up into the air, but you don't do the Fireball shot yourself, you only stay up in the air. The ball also disappears, but after many seconds, the ball reappears and then only if India scores a goal, your opponent comes back on the field. Naturally it is the same when you're India and your opponent counters your power shot.

Note: This mistake was fixed in the 6.0 Updates, so, if you counter this shot, you will do it normally instead of hanging in the air.

India vs Valentine mistake

India vs Valentine mistake (Must get fixed)

When Valentine hits India with his power shot, you will see India's head in the Jack-in-the-box and, behind it, you will see another, normal India, which is a bad mistake.

Hong Kong mistake 1 (Must get fixed)

In the player select screen, Hong Kong doesn't wear sunglasses, but in a match he does. This is weird, because the glasses aren't a Costume. Also, the sunglasses don't appear in the data files like Mon-K or Netherlands ones.

Hong Kong mistake 2 (Must really get fixed)

Hong Kong's air shot works differently on both sides of the field. When Hong Kong is on the left, it will work normally. If you then use your air shot near the opponent's goal, Hong Kong will whirl in the air and set position. He will nearly hit the crossbar, but still go in the goal and this is very hard to stop. But when you play as Hong Kong on the right side of the field and use your air shot on your opponent's half, most of the time Hong Kong will mess up. He will whirl in the air too but set himself in the wrong position, namely much too far away or much to in front of the goal, and thus he won't score most of the time. Sometimes, this will even result in an own goal! This all means that Hong Kong's air shot is a much better when he plays on the left side of the field, then when he plays on the other side. It makes this whole character worse, so always make sure that you play on the left side when you play with Hong Kong.

Hong Kong stuck in the ground mistake (Must get fixed)

When Hong Kong activated his Power Button and you use Mon-K's Air Shot on Hong Kong, there will happen a mistake. You will see Hong Kong in the ground without his blonde hair and this is a mistake.

Mon-K and Ukraine mistake (Doesn't have to get fixed)

Mon-K mistake

When Mon-K is the Hulk and he gets hit by the spider web that comes out of the Spider Web Costume or Spider in Stage 17 in Death Mode, a spider web is dangling in the air without Mon-K in it. When the effect ends, the red Hulk who is Mon-K reappears. Same thing happens with Ukraine, when she is Lara Croft.

Mon-K vs Nepal mistake (Doesn't have to get fixed)

If Nepal is in his robot and you use your Air Shot with Mon-K, Nepal's Robot can't be knocked into the ground and that is just a mistake.

Czech Republic mistake 1

Czech Republic mistake 1 (Must get fixed)

Sometimes, when using Czech Republic's ground shot, nothing will happen and the ball will disappear for the rest of the match. Czech Republic won't be able to move at all anymore and your opponent will jump-kick for the rest of the match. This is a very annoying mistake.

Czech Republic mistake 2 (Must get fixed)

Under special circumstances when Czech Republic uses his ground shot, the opponent will shoot Czech Republic's air shot at the exact same time for no reason, while he didn't counter it. This also means that Czech Republic's shot is wasted and the other person gets a goal.

Czech Republic mistake 3 (Doesn't have to get fixed)

Czech Republic mistake 3
Czech Republic, Nepal, Indonesia, Ukraine and Serbia mistake with Czech Republic

When the Power wasting mistake happens to Czech Republic there happen two mistakes in one. After Czech Republic has blocked his opponent's power shot while being slightly behind the goal line and his power shot gets wasted, he will look just normal but with some of his yellow hair on top of his head with a horn, and it looks quite similar to the Super Saiyan mistake. When he uses his power shot again, he turns back to normal.

Czech Republic mistake 4 (Must get fixed)

When Czech Republic counter attacks you, and if you counter attack him back while he has his power on, he will freeze and the ball will disappear forever. Nothing will happen then and it can be really annoying if you are losing.

Czech Republic, Nepal, Indonesia, Ukraine and Serbia mistake (Doesn't have to get fixed)

When you counter, for example, one of Czech Republic's Power Shots, you will transform into Czech Republic, no matter which character you are. This also happens against Nepal, Indonesia, Ukraine and Serbia, when you counter their Power Shots.

Nepal mistake 1 (Must get fixed)

Czech Republic, Nepal, Indonesia, Ukraine and Serbia mistake with Serbia

Sometimes when Nepal activates his power right at the moment when his opponent's shot hits him (for example Thailand's shot or one of the boulders in Austria's air shot which don't carry the ball), there occurs a mistake. Sometimes the ball will go through Nepal's robot into the goal, but it can also happen that Nepal's robot doesn't appear at all and that the ball disappears for the whole rest of the match. Nepal will then freeze in place and the other character can just walk through him, but the ball won't reappear. In case the match has to be decided in a Sudden death, the ball is back and Nepal will be in his robot this time, doing his power shot. And after he has used his power shot, he will be in his robot again and he is able to use his power shot once more, as his power bar kept on charging even while Nepal was frozen.

Nepal mistake 2 (Doesn't have to get fixed)

Nepal mistake 2

Usually, Nepal jumps in his robot and when he gets the ball, he will do his power shot. But when he gets hit by a costume's effect meanwhile, Nepal mistake 2 could happen. Nepal's robot will freeze in place, but everything else still works perfectly and Nepal just performs his power shot, although you can't see it happen. Afterwards, the robot will stay there in place, but the ball and the characters can just go through it, so it's all normal except for the robot standing there. After a new kick-off, the robot disappears and everything's back to normal. This also works with his ground shot.

Nepal vs Germany mistake (Must really get fixed)

If Nepal is in his robot form and Germany uses his power shot, the third ball goes through Nepal and leads to a goal from Germany. This is completely unfair, since Nepal would be the only character to be able to completely block Germany's power shot.

Nepal vs Saudi Arabia mistake (Must get fixed)

Sometimes, Nepal's robot doesn't explode when Saudi Arabia does his power shot and the ball falls in the oil, while Nepal actually should explode and launched into the air like all the other characters.

Nepal vs Singapore mistake (Doesn't have to get fixed)

When you use the Singapore glitch when Nepal is in his robot, Nepal will disappear but only the hand of his robot won't. When you use the Singapore glitch at the same time Nepal jumps in his robot, he will not explode.

Georgia mistake 1 (Must get fixed)

When you get hit by Georgia's power button effect, you will hear India's sound, instead of the sound of your own character.

Georgia mistake 2 (Must get fixed)

Most of the time after Georgia has used his air shot and it has hit the wall/back of the goal, Georgia disappears from the field. This is no problem when the shot has scored, but when the shot was over (for example due to jumping too high, this can happen in Death Mode most likely) Georgia will disappear and not come back, leaving his opponent alone with the ball on the field. This is unfair for Georgia, because his opponent should be able to score easily.

Georgia's costume mistake (Doesn't need to get fixed)

Georgia's costume mistake

After Georgia has activated his power and used his Power Shot, he still wear his Costume. This is probably because D&D Dream want to make Georgia a better Character, but actually it is a mistake.

Georgia counter attack mistake

Georgia's counter attack mistake (Must get fixed)

When you counter Georgia's counter attack, you will get Georgia's look for the rest of the match, which means you wear a black bandana and you have Georgia's muscled arms.

Indonesia and Norway mistake (Must really get fixed)

After you have been pulled out of the screen by one of Indonesia's chain ropes and you come back down on the field, you are unable to jump and dash for some time. If you press the Jump button, you will just stay with both feet on the ground, but after a while the problem is gone. It is the same when Norway's robot claw dragged you off-screen and you reappear, in his air shot.

Indonesia's unlock requirements mistake 1 and 2

Indonesia's unlock requirements mistake 1 (Must get fixed)

Indonesia's Unlock Requirement is wrong. What it says is: "You won SS Rank with 50 Counter Attacks in the Survival", but what it should be is: "Reach the SS Rank with 50 Counter Attacks or pay 5,700,000 points".

Indonesia's unlock requirements mistake 2 (Must get fixed)

You can't buy Indonesia with points and this is definitely a mistake, because you can do this with all other characters excluding the ones you have to pay real money for.

Ukraine mistake (Must really get fixed)

In order to unlock Ukraine, you must do 80 Counter Attacks in the Major League. When your game crashes somehow, you can just continue the Major League, but all your Counter Attacks will be lost, while all your other results are saved. This mistake is very stupid and can be considered as one of the worst in the whole game.

Ukraine vs New Zealand mistake (Must get fixed)

Ukraine vs New Zealand mistake

When New Zealand uses his Power Shot, and you, playing as Ukraine, stand on one of the two spots that get struck by lightning, there can occur a mistake if you press your Power Button at the same time. After Ukraine got hit by the lightning, she will have two heads. This looks like Ukraine in her first form, but with another head on top of that. The head on top is the one of Ukraine in her Lara Croft appearance.

Serbia mistake (Must get fixed)

Serbia mistake

When the car in Serbia's Ground Shot explodes, two big broken parts will fall from the car, while there should be only one big part, so this is definitely a mistake.

WatermelBot Unlock Screen mistake

WatermelBot Unlock Screen mistake (Must get fixed)

When you have WatermelBot unlocked, it shows you a Unlock Screen with WatermeBot Unlock. This is wrong. It should be: WatermelBot Unlocked. The L is missing in WatermelBot's name and that makes it a mistake.

WatermelBot's and PumpKill's Naked Body mistake (Must get fixed)

WatermelBot's and PumpKill's Naked Body mistake

When WatermelBot and PumpKill get hit by Colombia's Power Shot, you see a white skin such as all Characters. But this definitely a mistake, because WatermelBot and PumpKill have a green and orange skin.

PumpKill mistake (Must really get fixed)

PumpKill mistake

This mistake is really stupid. In the Player select screen of all Game Modes, it shows PumpKill's head in Power Button Effect state. This is really a mistake and it should be the normal one, just like all other characters have.

Bulgaria mistake

Bulgaria mistake (Must get fixed)

Bulgaria's air shot is not animated very well. Throughout the whole shot, there are bugs in which the fire looks unnatural (it's not in a straight line). It's not always visible because of the high speed of the shot, but it should look better than this.

Norway air shot mistake (Must get fixed)

When Norway uses his air shot, he can't move in his floating mechanical chair, so he is immobile. But if Norway gets hit by a power button effect of his opponent or a costume, like Ecuador's arrows or the Sawblade Costume, a glitch will occur that will make him able to move around again.

The Philippines enhanced ground shot mistake (Must get fixed)

The Philippines enhanced ground shot mistake

When The Philippines uses her enhanced ground shot, the one with the cutscene, it should be The Philippines's opponent who is launched up into space, but instead, it is The Philippines herself!

Spinning Hands Costume mistake (Must get fixed)

When you wear this costume, your opponent stands close behind you and the costume effect activates, the costume will push your opponent towards you, which is normal, but in this situation both players will be dragged towards the opponent’s goal. You can’t control your character for a while until the costume effect stops.

Medusa Costume mistake 1 (Must get fixed)

If the Medusa Costume's laser hits a player, he/she will turn into stone. When he turns normal again, you will hear a sound. However, you will hear this sound too if the laser missed the player. So a few seconds after the laser has missed the opponent, you will hear the "unstoning" sound as well, while nobody was turned to stone.

Medusa Costume Unlock Screen mistake

Medusa Costume mistake 2 (Must get fixed)

When the Medusa Costume falls off the wearer's head, it will be much smaller than before. It is similar with its unlock screen. It looks unrealistic so it's a mistake.

Costume button mistake (Must get fixed)

Costume button mistake

When you are in Arcade and you start a match and click at the same moment on the Costume button, you can just play the match, but when the match is finished, the screen doesn't react normally anymore and you'll see a part of the Costume screen and a part of the Character select screen on one screen. There won't happen anything if you click on any button, except for the Play button. Only if you click on the Play button and then press Back, you'll see that one of the two screens disappears and you can do everything again.

CPUs wearing Costumes mistake (Must get fixed)

It is well known that Costumes can give your stats a boost. But when CPUs wear a costume, it makes them jump much higher than you would do with the same costume. When a CPU wears an SS Rank Costume, he almost seems to fly across the field, and when he wears a D Rank Costume he can already jump pretty high, while you can't even jump that much higher than usual. This is an unrealistic mistake, but it seems to occur only with Jumping and possible with Speed too.

Extra goals mistake 1 (Must really get fixed)

Sometimes if your opponent/you make a goal, the ball sometimes stalls in the air, and your opponent/you get an extra goal without doing anything. This is also one of the most annoying mistakes in the game. Mostly, someone gets 1 to 4 goals.

Extra goal mistake 2 (Must get fixed)

If you waste Germany's power and counter the wasted shot, you will get an extra goal without any time consumption. This is a glitch as well as a mistake which is often used to break "most goals" high scores, but it doesn't always work.

Fire and ice mistake (Doesn't have to get fixed)

If you get by Poland's or Russia's power shot, you will get frozen. And if you are Ecuador, Thailand or India you will be surrounded by fire when you activate your power. But if you do this while being frozen by an ice power shot, you won't defrost and get back to normal, while the fire actually should melt the ice. You may think this isn't a mistake, but this disobeys science, so it actually is a mistake, but a sneaky one.

Fire on ball mistake (Doesn't have to get fixed)

When you are wearing the Dragon costume, it doesn't burn the ball, only the opponent, which isn't realistic.

Ground shot mistake (Doesn't have to get fixed)

When your opponent is on the ground, he rarely still uses his air shot. Therefore, you can sometimes use your air shot AND get the "without jump" achievement, usually if you are launched into the air by a power effect..

Head floating above body mistake

Head floating above body mistake (Must get fixed)

Some of the beginner Characters have a head which isn't attached to the rest of his body, so his head floats above his body. The newer Characters don't have this, but D&D Dream should improve this!

Invisible for the ball mistake (Must really get fixed)

When you dash the ball, the ball will sometimes go through your body and it can even lead to unfair own goals. Also when you and your opponent kick the ball both at the same time, it can happen that the ball will suddenly go through you, and roll into your goal. It seems like you have become invisible for the ball, or that you are a ghost or something, and this is a very stupid mistake. Very occasionally, it even happens that a whole character goes through your character, so the opponent is suddenly standing on the other side of you. This can happen when both characters dash towards each other at the same time.

Jumping mistake (Must get fixed)

This is a relatively new mistake, it happens since recent updates. You jump and go in the air, but then suddenly you are back on the ground again, as if you didn’t use jump. It most often happens in Death Mode, in Stage 18 with the Carnivorous Plants in particular. It’s annoying and can make you miss the ball or power shots when you try to block them.

Main menu mistake

Main menu mistake (Must get fixed)

Sometimes for no good reason, when you enter the game, the buttons of Head Cup and Leagues will be gone. Before the Death Mode update, the twinkle that sometimes went through the Head Cup button was still there.

Options mistake (Must get fixed)

Options mistake

Very occasionally when you click Pause and Resume, some of the options will not leave the screen. They'll stay there while the match has already started and you could solve it by pausing the game again, but you can also just play on and hope it doesn't bother you too much.

Overexposed screen mistake (Must get fixed)

Overexposed screen mistake in white
Overexposed screen mistake in yellow

It's possible that your Result screen after a match becomes totally overexposed after a match. This can happen when the match ends right at the moment when an explosion happens due to a Power Shot. Just click on the bottom of your screen, because somewhere there is the beam and when you've found it, you can just go on with a normal screen. 99% of the time your screen will become white, but very occasionally it can turn yellow too.

Pause mistake (Must really get fixed)

When you turn off your phone and turn it on again during a match, the rest of the game will occasionally be full of lag and bugs, even if it happens less since the new update. Occasionally, the game will even crash. This seems to happen even more when you play as one of the two new characters, as well as when one of them is your opponent. This is a terrible mistake, one of the worst, because now you can't turn off your phone anymore while you are playing a match without having your game ruined by all kind of bugs and problems. So never turn off your phone during a game!

Power shot mistake 1 (Must really get fixed)

Sometimes if you use your power shot with Japan, Z, Australia, Devil, China and Egypt, and especially with Cameroon, Russia, and Netherlands, and you move or dash, the power shot effect is used on you instead of the opponent. This is also one of the most annoying mistakes in the game, so don't walk or dash forward when you use your power shot while playing as one of these characters, because sometimes you get hit with your own power shot. When it happens while you are playing as Z, the game will crash. In the latest update, this mistake was "fixed", but it still happens occasionally.

Power shot mistake 2 (Must really get fixed)

Power shot mistake 2

Sometimes, for no good reason, some power shot elements like Ukraine's bullets, PumpKill's Pumpkin and Ecuador's Helicopter, Uruguay's Tank, Croatia's Robot and others will get replaced with white squares or parts of character's using that shot. This often happens while you or your opponent are using a complicated-to-programme power shot while multitasking.

Power shot wasting mistake 1

Power shot wasting mistake 1 (Must really get fixed)

When a power shot gets blocked by your opponent slightly behind the goal line with power activated, his power shot will mostly be used despite you've already scored, wasting it. Also works the other way around, so watch out. Some characters can waste power in other ways, like Belgium and Germany.

Power shot wasting mistake 2 (Must get fixed)

Some Costumes and obstacles in Death Mode have the ability to waste power shots. To give you an example: If some character does his power shot and before he gets to shoot the ball he gets burned down by the Dragon Costume on the other player's head, the character, the shot and the ball will disappear and it takes a while before they come back. And when you want to do your power shot but you get eaten by the carnivore plant in Stage 18 of Death Mode, the same can happen.

Public mistake (Doesn't have to get fixed)

It seems like the fans in the football stadium are always cheering for you and always booing the opponent. When you score a goal they will always yell something like "Yeaah", and when the opponent makes a goal they will always yell something like "Oowwhh". You can only hear this when you put on sound. It is not a bad mistake, but it is an unrealistic one.

Screen mistake (Must get fixed)

When you have cleared the Group stage in the Head Cup and you click more times fast on Kick off!!, the Play-off stage screen closes and you can't finish the Head Cup. This mistake also occurs when you start a Tournament.

Stuck in the ground mistake (Must get fixed)

When Mon-K uses his air ability, and smashes his opponent into the ground, very rarely the opponent can still counter the ability. You will see half of the character performing his counter shot.

Unlock Requirements Points mistake (Must get fixed)

Georgia's Unlock Requirements shows you that you can pay 5,500,000 points to buy him. When you look at Indonesia, you can't pay him for points (See Indonesia's Unlock Requirements mistake). You can pay Ukraine for 5,800,000 points so Indonesia is probably for 5,700,000 points. This is a mistake, because there isn't an Character where you must pay 5,600,000 points for. Normally it should that every character is with paying 100,000 points more and after Devil and Mon-K, it is usually that it is 200,000 points more than his Character Number.

Unlock screen mistake 1 (Must get fixed)

When you have unlocked a character, you will get a screen with the text "Cameroon Unlock" for example, but this is wrong. Something like "Unlocked Cameroon" would be correct.

Unlock screen mistake 2 (Must get fixed)

When you unlock more than one character at the same time, you only get shown the Character unlock screen of one of the characters, so you can't see/don't know that you have unlocked the other character(s) as well.

Video mistake 1 (Must get fixed)

If you are playing Head Soccer without Wi-Fi and you want to watch a video, your game will crash. It should be fixed that there comes something that says that you aren't using Wi-Fi, so you cannot watch the videos.

Video mistake 2 (Must get fixed)

When your internet connection was unstable while starting the Head Soccer app and you wanted to watch a video, the message "Sorry" will be shown. But, this doesn't go away even when your connection is stable again, so you can't watch videos for a long time. Closing the app or your phone might solve the problem.

Weird Ball Mistake (Doesn't have to get fixed)

If the double power shot glitch happens and you and somebody else will use the power shots with different ball sizes, the ball will end up being lopsided, for example, when South Korea and Italy use their power shots at the same time, the ball will be very wide one way, but the normal size the other way, while it is more logical to just have it either all big or all small.

Points Grammar Mistake (Doesn't have to get fixed)

There is a little grammar mistake in the upgrade shop: It will say that upgrading speed, for example, costs "50 point", which is a grammar mistake because it should say "50 points". Similar mistake appears on on track showing how many points you have: It says "My Point: ---- (How many points you have)"

Arcade Mistakes

These are all mistakes that only occur in the Arcade mode.

Israel mistake

Israel mistake (Doesn't have to get fixed)

When you play the Arcade mode and you play some matches before Israel there happen a mistake. Mostly when you won against China, Greece, New Zealand, Sweden, Z and after that go to Israel, Israel wears the crown of China instead of the star of David.

Screen mistake (Must get fixed)

Screen mistake

When you are in Arcade and you press very fast on the buttons or swipe quickly up and down or reversed to get your next opponent, the screen will sometimes go wrong and it shows you the Characters not in the circles.

Without getting injured achievement mistake (Must get fixed)

Sometimes when you get injured, the achievement emblem just remains as if you didn't get injured, however, after the match it says that you didn't accomplish it. This happens sometimes when you get injured due to your opponent who has been kicking you or when you got hit by his power shot, not when you get hit by a Costume effect. The emblem doesn't disappear, but in the end you still haven't accomplished this achievement.

Tournament mistakes

Here you can see all mistakes that work in a Tournament only.

2 balls glitch

2 balls mistake (Must get fixed)

This works only if you haven't got Kepler 22B yet. Sometimes in the Tournament final Kepler 22B's UFO appears. And sometimes when United Kingdom's power shot hits the UFO, the ball will freeze in place, while the rays of the shot just go on. The match will then restart, because you hit the UFO. The frozen ball will appear in middle but it isn't real and you can't kick it. This ball remains just there until a goal is scored with the real ball.

Trophy screen mistake (Doesn't have to get fixed)

Trophy screen mistake

When you click too fast, the Trophy screen and the Player select screen may merge together and you get the result as shown in the photo.

UFO crashing game mistake (Must get fixed)

Sometimes when you hit Kepler 22B's UFO in the Tournament's final with the ball, the game will crash instead of restarting with Kepler as your opponent. It seems to happen more when the match already dealt with the Pause mistake (bugging and glitching after you have paused and restarted the game) or after you've played for a longer time.

Survival mistakes

Here you can see the mistakes which can only occur in the Survival mode.

3 bonus balls mistake (Must get fixed)

This is one of the worst mistakes in the game and really should get fixed, because it really can make you exit Survival prematurely. Sometimes if you have played a Survival game but didn't finish it, and you go back to Survival to play on, you only have 3 balls left, while you actually had more Bonus balls. Starting Survival over helps to get all your "empty bonus balls" back, but that means you still have to earn them. Sometimes if you stay on the screen "Touch to kick off" for a long time, you get all your Bonus balls back, but this works seldom.

Opponent's power bar mistake (Must get fixed)

The higher you reach in Survival, the faster your opponent's power gauge will load. However, at a certain point it goes so fast, that all the opponent does is using his power shot and nothing else. This is a mistake because it's unrealistic and it makes the game less fun.

Stage 0 mistake (Must get fixed)

Stage 0 mistake

If you play in Survival until you face Cyborg, and then exit the Survival and face South Korea, your Survival progress will get erased and you will be at stage zero. This only works with South Korea. If you do it with any other character, Survival will resume as usual, but the Cyborg will behave slightly differently. If you do it to another character than Cyborg, it will change and it won't erase your progress.

Wolf Costume mistake (Must get fixed)

Wolf Costume mistake

When you unlock the Wolf Costume, its Unlock screen might be weird: The position of the Wolf Costume is somewhere random sometimes.

League mistakes

Here you can see the mistakes which can only occur in the Leagues.

Germany mistake

Germany mistake (Must get fixed)

A mistake in which there are two Germanies in one League, as you can see on the page on the right. This mistake, only occurs in the Minor League and it only happens when you choose to play as Germany, so there will be another CPU Germany besides you.

Thailand/Luxembourg mistake

Thailand/Luxembourg mistake (Must get fixed)

When you choose Thailand to play with in the Major League, the ranking will show you Luxembourg's flag instead of Thailand's flag, while you still play as Thailand in the League games. This only happens though, if Luxembourg himself is not in the League. But it gets even crazier: when you close the League and then open it again, you will not only have Luxembourg's flag, but you will be Luxembourg!

Costume result screen mistake (Must get fixed)

Costume result screen mistake

Sometimes when you wore a costume during the League campaign, the costume will be in a weird position in the Result screen, instead of on your head.

Crashing game mistake (Must get fixed)

If you go to one of the three Leagues, you click on Costumes in the left bottom corner of the Character select screen and you click on Back, the game will crash.

Ladder mistake

Ladder mistake (Must get fixed)

When you finish a game in any League, close the game via multitasking. When you reopen the League you just closed, it'll show the ladder in a different order. However, after you have played a game, the ladder will be back to normal.

Last match mistake (Must get fixed)

One of the most unrealistic mistakes in Head Soccer is the Last match mistake. This mistake is actually more mistakes in one. The first one is that you must play against the Character who is in second place in the League, when you are first. Otherwise you must mostly play against the character who is one place above you. This is unrealistic. Because of this, there is one character you have to play 3 matches against and there is one opponent who you have to face only once in the League. And when you lose against the character who was in second place, he will become the League champion and not you, no matter how many more matches you have won. For example, you have won 13 matches and lost 4 and your opponent has won 10 matches and lost 7 matches. If you lose the last match against him, you will still become second, despite your wins, and that is not how it is in reality.

Pop-up mistake (Must get fixed)

Pop-up mistake

If you play League with a character and press Exit to choose another character, and then press Next more than one time very fast, the pop-up which asks you if you want to continue will appear much lower on the screen than normal

Wolf Costume mistake 2 (Must get fixed)

Wolf Costume mistake

When you play with the Wolf Costume in any League and you complete it (don't have to win), it will show the Wolf Costume on a wrong place on your screen. This mistake is very bad and really should get fixed.

Head Cup Mistakes

Here you can see all the Head Cup mistakes.

Czech Republic and Indonesia mistake

Czech Republic and Indonesia mistake (Must get fixed)

After you have won a Head Cup with Czech Republic or Indonesia, it shows you that you have won six Head Cups, instead of only one, a very bad mistake.

8th finals crashing game mistake (Must get fixed)

It is possible that your game crashes after the 8th Finals. This doesn't happen often, but when it happens, it's very annoying.

Characters mistake (Must get fixed)

When you choose a character in Head Cup, China for example, give up and choose China again, not China, but a random character will be your player. Mostly this character was in your group. The same happens when you have played a Head Cup with some character and choose that character again: you will play with a different character than the one you've chosen. A very strange mistake, and you have to see it to believe it. It can cost you a lot points. However, you can use it if you want to play with a randomly chosen character. To avoid it, swipe left or right and then swipe back to the character you want to play with.

Conceded goals mistake (Must get fixed)

If you play a game in the Head Cup, you can see how many goals you have conceded. If you press on Give up in a match in the Group stage, it says you have lost with 5-0, but it also says that you didn't concede a single goal, which is a stupid and unrealistic mistake.

Costume mistake (Doesn't have to get fixed)

When you meet the same opponent twice in the Head Cup, it is possible that he wears two different costumes. For example, you play against Mexico who wears the sombrero in the group stage and the Dragon hat in the knockout phase. This can happen when you and Mexico become first and second in the group stage and when you meet Mexico again in the Head Cup final. The fact that he wears two different costumes in one and the same Head Cup is definitely a mistake, because you can't change your costume during the Head Cup.

Group stage mistake (Must get fixed)

When you are in the group stage, it is possible to give up. Sometimes when you does this, the game will give you a draw instead of a loss. This happens rarely, but it's a bad mistake.

Knockout stage mistake 1 (Must get fixed)

If you play in the Head Cup and you reach the Knockout stage, and you win a game, and you click on Play too fast, you have to play against the same character you have just beat. If you win against him, the game doesn't go further, so you have to give up without getting any reward. This is a very annoying mistake when you play the Head Cup.

Knockout stage mistake 2 (Must get fixed)

After you've finished the Group stage, you mustn't click very fast on Next match. Otherwise, you will play a Knockout match against your own character! This means that if you play as Poland, your opponent will be Poland as well. After you've won this match, the game will crash.

Knockout stage mistake 3

Knockout stage mistake 3 (Must get fixed)

Also after you've finished the Groups Stage and you click very sometimes on Next Match, your screen will rarely go out of the Head Cup. You will see a blue screen with Head Cup and can't play farther your Head Cup. This mistake is very rare.

Pop-up grammar mistake

Pop-up grammar mistake (Must get fixed)

When you press play in the character select screen in Head Cup, the pop-up will say: "5,000 will be spend for Head Cup. Go on?". This is a grammar mistake and it should say: "5,000 points will be spent for playing the Head Cup. Go on?".

Multiplayer mistakes

These are all the mistakes that only occur in Multiplayer mode. Multiplayer can be considered the game mode with the most bugs and lags.

Spain mistake (Must really get fixed)

Quite often in Multiplayer, Spain's power shot doesn't work properly. The three balls won't go to the top of the screen and they shoot from a lower point, meaning that at least on, but sometimes two or even all three of the balls won't hit the goal, but rather shoot in the ground.

Kepler 22B mistake (Must really get fixed)

Kepler 22B's power shots aren't synced, which means that both players in Multiplayer see Kepler 22B perform a different power shot. When the left player is Kepler 22B and uses Germany's shot for example, the other player might see him use France's shot. This makes it much harder for the right player to stop the shots of his opponent.

Georgia's ground shot mistake (Must get fixed)

When you use Georgia's ground shot in Multiplayer, you will hear all the sounds of Hong Kong's ground shot instead.

Power shot mistake (Must really get fixed)

Some power shots don't work as usual in Multiplayer, or don't work at all. Some examples are Australia's shots, Israel's ground shot and Hungary's ground shot.

Right side of the field mistake (Must really get fixed)

For players on the right side of the field, the ball doesn't move the way it should do. When that player heads the ball towards the goal for example, the ball will go behind him instead for example, because of the wrong movement of the ball and the false timing. These phenomena differ per game.

Underground ball mistake

Underground ball mistake (Must get fixed)

Because of how laggy Multiplayer is, there are many bugs with the ball, and it can sometimes appear in the weirdest places, like under the ground... The ball stays there and will not move for the rest of the match; it is stuck.

Waiting bar mistake (Must really get fixed)

Sometimes before a match starts, a bar appears in the screen with the text "Waiting...". Occasionally though, this bar won't go out of the screen anymore while the match has already begun. It mostly happens to the player on the right (like most mistakes). That player can still do everything, except for moving, and he has an obstructed view because of the bar.

Death Mode mistakes

These are all Mistakes that only occur in the Death Mode

Cyborg mistake (Don't really have to get fixed)

When Cyborg is one of the henchmen in Death Mode and walk in the background, his face is already damaged. However, when you must play against him, it's not damaged at all and this is a mistake.

Colombia mistake (Must get fixed)

Colombia mistake

Death Mode is the only Game mode where no spectators are present. However, after Colombia has used his air shot, you'll see the usual scene, which means that there are now people in the stadium while there weren't any before; defeated opponents and caged characters are gone from there

Stage 14 mistake (Must really get fixed)

Stage 14 mistake

Stage 14 is the Stage in Death Mode with the scythe, swinging back and forth high in the air. When a character stands right under it, it can push him under the ground and he won't come out anymore until a goal is scored. Even worse, in the boss round the scythes can also push players from the screen!

Stage 19 Switzerland mistake (Must get fixed)

When Switzerland activated his power button effect, the field will be covered in snow. However, the landmines in Stage 19 will not be visible anymore, giving you an unfair disadvantage.

Stage 23 mistake (Must get fixed)

Stage 23 mistake

Stage 23 is the Stage with the trapdoors. When certain characters fall in in their power button state and come out of the pipe afterwards, their head will be invisible. This occurs to Super Saiyan, Serbia, Bolivia and Mon-K for example, and probably any other character with a special power effect.

Stage 24 mistake (Must get fixed)

Power shots get affected in a weird way by this obstacle. Power shots lose their speed and also get dragged towards the black holes. If one of the characters touches the ball, he will be under the after effect of the power shot. However, both players can also counter it! But here's the mistake: You can even counter your own shot, but if you do so, you will shoot the power shot of the other player, which makes no sense at all.

Stage 28 mistake (Must really get fixed)

In the boss match against Mon-K, there can also come earthworms out of the goals. When the worm is still there after a new kick-off, it will be in front of the player. Then, when the earthworm leaves the screen, it will take the player with it and the player will never return on the field, which is a terrible mistake.

Back button mistake (Must get fixed)

When you have played Death Mode for a while, the Back button might disappear and it will only come back once you restart the game.

Background mistake

Background mistake (Must get fixed)

Background mistake and Same Characters mistake

In the Animations of the Death Mode you see a normal background. This is a mistake, because it should be the Background of the Death Mode.

Ball stuck in the trident mistake (Must get fixed)

This Mistake can only happen in the round with the trident as obstacle (See Photo). Sometimes the ball will be stuck in it after the kick off or just when the ball will under it. Whatever you do the ball will not come out of it and even letting yourself in the trident not work.

Music mistake (Must get fixed)

When you score a goal or the ball hits your opponent's crossbar, you will hear the spectators, and they will also cheer the whole time in Death Mode. The mistake is in the fact there are no spectators in the background!

Same Characters mistake

Same Characters mistake (Must get fixed)

This mistake is not very bad, but just unrealistic. Sometimes your boss character in a round of the Death Mode will be the same as one of the characters put in the cages. Characters aren't double and it's just stupid.

Wrong Bosses mistake (Must get fixed)

Wrong Bosses mistake

Sometimes when you play in the Death Mode and you see one of the Animations, there will happens something very unrealistic. For example Ukraine will be in Denmark's Rocket Launcher. This always happens when that Character who must be in that animation is in one of the Cages.

Fight Mode mistakes

These are all Mistakes that only occur in the Fight Mode.

Ireland and Greece mistake (Must get fixed)

When Ireland and Greece use their power shots in Fight Mode, they recieve a small amount of damage out of nowhere, losing HP. For now, it is only known to happen with these two characters and it's a disadvantage, so it's a reason to avoid playing with these two characters in Fight Mode.

Flag mistake (Doesn't have to get fixed)

Flag mistake

When flags are too close on the Fight Mode map, there can happen a visual bug in which the flags go through each other.