S Rank

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S Rank is the seventh rank of Survival. This rank is achieved by winning the 60th stage. Costumes of this rank upgrade stats more than costumes of Rank A and lower, but less than costumes of Rank SS. You can get these costumes by beating the Cyborg, whom you face every tenth stage. Some of these costumes have effects. There are 13 S Rank Costumes.

All S Rank Costumes

Costume's Number and Name Costume Speed Upgrade Kick Upgrade Jump Upgrade Dash Upgrade Power Upgrade Points Owner
46) Wig Costume
Costume 043.png
+2 +0 +4 +4 +2 320,000
47) Pharaoh Costume
Costume 044.png
+6 +1 0 +6 0 400,000
48) Tiki Mask Costume
Costume 045.png
+3 0 +3 +3 +3 320,000
49) Western Costume
Costume 046.png
+1 +1 +5 +5 0 360,000
50) Black Hat Costume
Costume 047.png
+1 +6 0 +1 +5 400,000
51) Indian Costume
Costume 048.png
+3 +4 +6 0 0 360,000
52) Santa Costume
Costume 049.png
+6 0 +1 0 +6 430,000
53) Hammer Costume
Costume 050.png
+1 +5 +2 +1 +2 430,000 New Zealand
54) Electric Costume
Costume 051.png
+1 +1 +3 +2 +2 430,000 Colombia
55) Wolf Costume
Costume 052.png
+3 +2 +2 +1 +3 400,000 Hong Kong
56) Rocket Costume
Costume 52 1.png
+2 +0 +4 +1 +4 440,000 Indonesia
57) One-Eyed-Ghoul Mask
+5 +1 +2 +1 +4 450,000 Finland
58) Missile Costume
+5 0 +5 +2 +1 460,000 Norway

S Rank Costumes with Effects or Animations

  • The Hammer Costume: This costume has a special effect, the hammer comes down every two seconds, and when the opponent is standing underneath, it hurts him.
  • The Electric Costume: The special effect of this costume is that it can electrocute the opponent. Every five seconds it sends out some electric, and if the opponent is really close to the wearer, he is under the effect for a very brief amount of time. The effect is similar to Cameroon's Power Shot: It makes the other player unable to jump and he can only move very slowly.
  • The Wolf Costume: Every five seconds, the wolf bites towards the opponent. When the opponent gets bitten, he disappears from the field and only his skull will remain. He resurrects after two seconds.
  • The Rocket Costume: This costume launches a rocket towards the opponent that pushes him back strongly and occasionally knocks him out.