B Rank

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B Rank is the fifth rank of Survival. This rank is achieved by winning the 40th stage. Costumes of this rank upgrade stats more than costumes of Rank C and lower, but less than costumes of Rank A and higher. You can get these costumes by beating the Cyborg, whom you face every tenth stage. There are 8 B Rank Costumes.

All B Rank Costumes

Costume's Number and Name Costume Speed Upgrade Kick Upgrade Jump Upgrade Dash Upgrade Power Upgrade Points Owner
31) Knight Costume
Costume 029.png
0 +4 +0 +1 +4 180,000 points
32) Army Beret Costume
Costume 030.png
+4 0 +3 +1 0 160,000 points Ecuador
33) Magician Costume
Costume 031.png
+2 0 +5 +1 0 200,000 points
34) Frog Costume
Costume 032.png
0 0 +3 +5 0 200,000 points
35) Goat Costume
Costume 033.png
0 +3 +4 +2 0 180,000 points
36) Yachtsman Costume
Costume 034.png
+2 +1 +2 +2 +2 200,000 points
37) Purple Wizard Costume
Costume 035.png
+2 0 0 +3 +3 200,000 points
38) Diamond Tiara Costume
Costume 035 1.png
0 0 +5 0 +3 200,000 points Serbia

B Rank Costumes with Effects or Animations

  • The Diamond Tiara Costume: This costume has a special effect. It adds around 20% to your power bar every five seconds.