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There are many glitches and exploits in Head Soccer. This is a list of all that have been reported.

Be aware:

A lot of the glitches no longer work because of more recent updates.


In many offline games there are some glitches. Head Soccer contains many different glitches, some are really useful, some are not, and others are just amazing to watch but less effective, which is mentioned in the title in parentheses. Some glitches only work on specific devices. Click here to vote for the glitch which you think is the best/most annoying. If a glitch does not work, don't remove it, it might be caused because you used a different device or did something wrong. It's also possible that D&D Dream have fixed a glitch, as they sometimes do, and then the glitch can be erased from this page. Just comment us and maybe we'll change it! Also leave a comment when you have found a new glitch or if the glitch description isn't right. Beside glitches, there are also mistakes in Head Soccer. If you click on this link, you can visit the Mistakes page. Video with many glitches:

File:Head Soccer ALL Glitches (4.0.1)

Global glitches

These are the glitches that work in (almost) any Game mode during a match. The glitches that work in more than one Game mode, but not in any Game mode are on the bottom part of the Global glitches

Germany glitch 1

Germany glitch 1 (Useful)

If your opponent or you miss the first and second balls from Germany's Power Shot, but touch the third one, their power shot will be wasted.

Portugal glitch (Disadvantageous / useful)

If Portugal uses his Power Shot very close to the goal, the shot will miss and he will leave the screen, not returning until a goal is scored.

Senegal own goal glitch(disadvantageous/advantageous)

When Senegal uses his ground shot in his goal, even if he’s just a little in, he will own goal. And since his ground shot starts right where he is, you can push Senegal into his own goal and get him to touch the ball without jumping, resulting in a own goal. To be confirmed if you can get two points with the power wasting glitch.

Wolf Costume Glitch (useful)


If you use the wolf costume, sometimes eating the opponent right before they use their powershot can mess it up. Their powershots will most often result against themselves (for example, Canada will turn into a snowman himself and Saudi Arabia will lose his collision and the ball).

Canada, Indonesia, Ukraine and Serbia Unlock Glitch (Useful)

You can unlock Canada, Indonesia, Ukraine and Serbia all by watching videos. But there is a useful glitch to unlock them even easier. After you watched a Video, you have to wait an amount of time before you can watch a new video. But, you should not wait but change the date of your mobile and then you can watch a new video without waiting the time. So you can unlock them a lot easier. This glitch is very useful for unlocking Serbia. This glitch also work if you lose your Head Cup and you want to start a new Head Cup without paying points. This glitch can be used in various other games too.

Ireland glitch (Useful)

Ireland glitch

If you struggle with deflecting Ireland's Rainbow Shot, or with the rainbow balls which pushes you back in particular, try to stand on the exact same place as Ireland when he starts his shot. By doing this, you'll see that the rainbow balls which pushes you back normally, will disappear! This means that you have now grouped Ireland's Rainbow Shot into a very simple straight-line shot, which is very easy to deflect. To use this trick properly, first jump at the place where Ireland is standing at the beginning of his shot, then move back and block the shot while still being in the air. If you practice it a bit, you'll get the hang of this glitch and it might help you stopping Ireland's power shot.

Saudi Arabia glitch (Useful)

If you use Saudi Arabia's Power Shot, the opponent mostly explodes and disappears. If this happens and you do your Power Shot again while he is still gone, he will be gone forever until you score a goal. This is very useful if you want to waste the time away without conceding a goal or if you want to be sure to score a goal, because with this glitch, there is nothing to stop you from scoring or taking much time to do so.

India ground shot glitch (Useful / disadvantageous)

If India uses his ground shot with debris in between him and his opponent (like with France's Power Shot for example), the shot will hit the debris and the fire will disappear. Everything will go back to normal, wasting India's ground shot. Same thing happens with Nigeria.

Ukraine glitch (Useful/just for laughs)

When Ukraine gets knocked out, by getting kicked a lot for example, then use her power, she will still have the stars around her head, but she can still move around consciously.

Serbia glitch (Useful)

When Serbia uses her Air Shot, so that the bottom rocket goes into the goal and the upper rocket hits the opponent, the opponent's power shot will be wasted, because the upper rocket contains the "real ball".

Dog Costume glitch (Very useful)

If you happen to be lucky and get the Dog Costumeu can remove your opponent for the entire round, if you eat your opponent and walk all the way to the edge of the field towards the opponents's goal and hug the wall before you spit out the bone, you will spit the bone out of the field and your opponent will not return, only in Sudden Death or if a goal is scored.

Extra goals glitch 1 (Useful / disadvantageous)

Sometimes if a goal is scored, the ball sometimes will stall in the air, and this causes either you or the opponent to get an extra goal without doing anything. This is also one of the most annoying glitches in the game, but it can also be very advantageous for you. Mostly, someone gets 1 to 4 goals. In the newest update, the ball moves down after the word "GOAL" appears.

Extra goal glitch 2 (Useful)

If you waste Germany's power and counter the wasted shot, you will get an extra goal without any time consumption. This glitch is often used to break "most goals" high scores, but does not always work.

Flying glitch

Flying glitch (Just for fun / useful / disadvantageous)

If you dash under your opponent, they'll fly high into the air. This also works the other way around. If you jump you will fly even higher, however this is a rare glitch. It can also happen when you try to dash on top of a giant football or on Death Mode obstacles, and if you dash on top of your pet.

Freezing game glitch (Just for fun / disadvantageous)

One way to freeze the game is hold the "Next match" button on the Next match screen and press "watch video". After the video ends, the screen is frozen with the "Next match" button being pressed.

Power wasting glitch (Useful / disadvantageous)

When a Power Shot gets blocked by your opponent slightly behind the goal line with power activated, his Power Shot will mostly be used despite you've already scored, wasting it. Also works the other way around, so watch out. It happens with United Kingdom most frequently, even so often that it makes him a better character. Some characters can waste power in other ways. For this, see the Belgium glitch and the Germany glitch.

Double power effect glitch (useful just for fun)

if you time it right and use a power effect right before you are moved back to the start after a goal, the effect will happen twice. Useful in fight mode to do some extra damage with the double power effects. Confirmed with all power effects.

Screen glitch in a Tournament

Screen glitch (Disadvantageous / just for fun)

When you finish the Group stage in Head Cup and you press the Kick off button several times very fast, the Knockout stage screen closes and you can't finish the Head Cup. This glitch also works when you start a Tournament, but then the screen is on the wrong position, as you can see on the photo on the right.

Two power shots at the same time glitch (Just for fun / disadvantageous / useful)

When you and your opponent get the ball at the exact same time, both with your power button activated, both power shots will be used at the same time. This is amazing to watch, but usually the quicker power shot will score and the other one will be wasted.

Character Unlock glitch (very very useful) (Works in league and head cup)

Head Cup:

1. Start as any character and give up on the first two matches.

2.Tap back, then tap yes and kick off at the same time.

3.Give up on your third match. If it shows you the “Head cup data will be lost yes/no” pop-up, you did it right. Press No.

4.Tap next and swipe left or right until you reach the character that won the Head Cup (make use of a screenshot to help you count how many swipes you need to do).

5.Tap next. if it didn’t work and you ended up with a different character than the winner, you either didn’t do the glitch right, went too far, didn’t go far enough, or you counted the character you started with as a swipe. Only count the characters after your starting characters(eg. start: South Korea/winner: Italy=swipes:7).

6.After you do that, you should get your points and Head Ball (this glitch is useful to unlock characters such as Croatia, Uruguay, Ecuador, WatermelBot, and Hungary).


1.Give up all your matches until your second to last match.

2.Tap back and kick off at the same time.

3.Give up.

4.If you ended up back in the character selection screen, just join back into the League.

5.Swipe your screen until you reach the winner character like in the Head Cup glitch.

6.Tap kick off on your next match and see if both characters are the same(eg. devil v devil).

7.If not, you can restart the game (not the match) and try swiping again. NOTE: the swipes will reset back to your starting character.

8.This should help you unlock the following characters:

  1. Israel
  2. Australia
  3. Denmark
  4. Romania
  5. Thailand
  6. Saudi Arabia
  7. Switzerland
  8. Singapore
  9. India:
  10. Czech Republic
  11. Nepal
  12. Fiji

Some of these have to be done in different leagues, you won’t unlock all of these at the same time.

Arcade glitches

Glitches that only work in the Arcade mode.

Serbia unlock glitch (Very useful)

Serbia unlock glitch

To unlock Serbia, you have to beat 60 Characters in Arcade without getting injured. But this is almost impossible to achieve against opponents like Ecuador, India, Asura, Hungary and Serbia herself. But there is a glitch to help you out: Use Ukraine. Because after you have activated her Power Button Effect, it's impossible for you to get injured, no matter if you get kicked, hit by a Power Shot or hit by a Power Button Effect. Even when Ukraine yells "Ow!", the No Injuries achievement emblem won't disappear. So every time before your opponent uses their Power Shot, you have to make sure that you have your own Power Shot ready. This tactic works even better when your Power stat is upgraded to the maximum.

Note : This glitch can be used for any character that requires you to finish something without getting hurt, such as Honduras, WatermelBot, Fiji, and Norway.

Tournament Glitches

Glitches that will only work in a Tournament.

Two balls glitch

Two balls glitch (Just for fun)

Sometimes in the Tournament Final, Kepler 22B's UFO appears and when United Kingdom's power shot hits the UFO, there's a chance the ball will freeze in place, while the rays of the shot just go on. The match will then restart, Because you hit the UFO, the frozen ball will appear in middle but it isn't real and you can't kick it. This ball remains there until a goal is scored with the real ball.

Survival glitches

Glitches that only work in Survival mode.

Costume glitch (Useful)

When you start a rank match against Cyborg and are looking for a certain costume to unlock, look what costume Cyborg is wearing. When he wears the wrong one, turn off your phone (or close and reopen app on stage 80 only) [attention: just pausing the game won't work here] and come back to Survival, and he will wear other random costume. Because it's always random, you might have to repeat these actions several times before you finally get the costume you want. The main problem is that the Survival balls reset will occur in which will be reduced to 3. To fix that, press Pause when the game starts, give up, then start again. You then would have 3 balls with 7 dimmed/lost. So you still only got 3 Survival balls, but at least you can earn more if you win the match. This means you must beat Cyborg with only three lives, which will be hard if you can't handle it right. Luckily Cyborg is not an overpowered character, meaning that if you're an advanced player, you will be fine. It's recommended to wear a costume while doing this (for example, one that you unlocked with this glitch). It is also recommanded to create a save to your iCloud before playing against Cyborg. This gives you unlimited tries to win your costume, since you can load the save when you lose against Cyborg.

Survival Balls Reset (Disadvantageous)

This is a very annoying glitch. Sometimes if you have played a Survival game but didn't finish it, and you go back to Survival to finish it, you only have three balls left, when you actually had more Bonus balls. And starting Survival again won't help, because you don't get your Bonus balls back. Sometimes if you stay long on the screen "Touch to kick off", you get all your Bonus balls back, but this works seldom.

Opponent glitch (Very Useful)

You can use this glitch to randomize your opponents in survival mode. When you finish a match in survival mode, you can close the game before tapping next match. When you start the game again, if you don't like the opponent, you can close and open the game again. You will see that every time the opponent will change.

League glitches

Glitches that only work in the Amateur, Minor and Major League.

Israel, Australia and Denmark unlock glitch (Very useful)

To unlock Israel (Amateur League), Australia (Minor League) and Denmark (Major League), you must win the League without conceding more than 10 goals. However, it appears that you can unlock the characters if you win the League the very first time you play it. You can concede as many goals as you want, it really doesn't matter as long as the first time you play and finish a League, you will immediately unlock them.

Ukraine unlock glitch (Useful)

This glitch can help you to unlock Ukraine a bit more easily. To unlock Ukraine, you must win the Major League with 80 counter attacks. Play a Major League with Italy, the best character to grind counter attacks. Make sure you play the first match against someone that has an easy counterable Power Shot, like Valentine, Super Saiyan or Z. Play this match and try to do as many counter attacks as you can. Then, close Head Soccer just before the match is finished, but don't pause it. Re-open Head Soccer and continue the League. It will be like you've not yet played the first match of the League, but the counter attacks you've performed remain! And you will be facing the character that you have played before. After that, just keep on counter attacking until you reach 80, finish the League and you'll unlock Ukraine.

Finish League at Stage 17 glitch (Useful) NOT WORKING ANYMORE!!!!

Go to Stage 17, and when the game starts, pause it, and press Title. Usually it will show that the League is finished. Use this glitch to win without having to play Stage 18. NOT WORKING ANYMORE!!!!

Ladder glitch

Ladder glitch (Just for fun)

When you finish a game in any League, close the game via multitasking. When you reopen the League you just closed, it'll show the ladder in a different order. However, after you have played a game, the ladder will be back to normal.

Application Quit Glitch Update 6.0 (Very Useful)

On IOS devices (Android?), if you are losing a level, you can exit the game by pressing pause and then kill the game process. Later when you continue the game, it starts with a fresh kick-off with the same character at full time and zero goals. Costumes come back on and all the markers (kick, jump etc.) remain unchanged. However, counter attacks count does not reset so you can easily unlock characters with a counter attack requirement (Ukraine) by playing a full game and repeating the application exiting.

Head Cup glitches

These are all glitches that only work in Head Cup.

Knockout stage glitch (Disadvantageous)

If you play in the Head Cup and you reach the Knockout stage, win a game, and tap on Play too fast, you'll play against the same character you have just beaten. If you win against them, the game doesn't go further, so you have to give up without getting any reward. This is a very annoying glitch when you play the Head Cup.

Farming trophies glitch (Useful)

If you play the Head Cup and reach the final round, press the Next Match button really fast. Keep spamming the button and you will see that you are against the same character. Win the match and do this as many time as you want. When you have had enough, press the Next Match button without spamming it. You will see that you can't do anything. But at the left corner of your screen there is a button that says ''back''. It will say ''Head cup data will be lost, are you sure that you want to exit ?'' Press yes. You will see that everytime that you did the glitch, it grants you an extra trophy.

Note: You can't get any Head Balls when you do this glitch. You do NOT win any points when you do the glitch as if you won the cup legitimately and I don't know

if you can unlock Georgia with this glitch. It is to be confirmed.

Watermelbot, Ecuador, Hungary, Croatia, Uruguay Unlock Glitch(Very Useful (Unless You Already Own These))

1.Start as South Korea (or whoever but South Korea is easiest to work with) then give up the first two matches of the Head Cup.

2.Tap back (don't leave the Head Cup yet).

3.Then tap yes and kick off at the same time.

4.Give up the third match, and tap No to leave the Head Cup. The glitch is done right if you get the yes and no to leave head cup part.

5.Tap Next and see who won the Head Cup.

6.Swipe the character selection screen left or right until you reach the character who won the Head Cup (make use of a screenshot of the character screen to help yourself). When you tap Next, it should show the winner of the Head Cup as it being you, granting you an easy 1st place.

Death Mode glitches

These are all glitches that only work in Death Mode.

Finland unlock glitch (Very useful)

In order to unlock Finland, you have to clear Death Mode with 30 different characters. But sometimes, for no apparent reason, Finland can unlock even if you have cleared Death Mode with less than 30 characters!

Stage 29 glitch (Useful)

Stage 29 is the stage where a random obstacle shows up. This means that you can encounter easy obstacles as well as hard obstacles. Once you've made it to this stage, you're almost at the end of Death Mode and mostly you only have a few lives left, so make it to the end at all costs, otherwise you've done all of this for nothing. If you have to face an obstacle that is troublesome for you, quit the game and return to Death Mode, and you will see that there's a different obstacle than before now. Well regarded you can choose yourself which obstacle you want to have with this glitch and make it easier for yourself.

Pause glitch (Useful)

If you are in a game and then pause, give up and later return, some data will be lost, but this works in your advantage mostly. For example, if you wore a costume but lost it during the game, you can get it back via this glitch. However, your opponent will regain their costume as well. In addition, you are not damaged anymore. This can be useful if you play with a character that has a normal power shot and a damaged shot, but you actually want to use the first shot. And last but not least, the obstacles will start over. This is especially useful in the stage with the Landmines. When there are many of them on the field, it can get harder to win this stage, but if you quit and come back, all the landmines are wiped out and it starts fresh again. Goals and the time will not reset.

Pause/Exit glitch (Useful)

On IOS/Windows devices, if you exit the game just before your opponent can score a goal against you, you can avoid the goal! Later when you continue the game, it starts with a kick-off and the same result, but it will start right at the time where you left off (time doesn't reset, but all other things do including costume). So with this glitch you can avoid a goal.

Money Farm Glitch (very useful) (not working 2021)

Beat death mode, dont pick a key, and restart the game instead. After that, rejoin death mode and you will be brought back to the key picking screen, and given 100k points once again. You can repeat this indefinetly to farm money.

Fight Mode glitches

These are all glitches that only work in Fight Mode.

Bonus games glitch (Very Useful)

While playing the first bonus game (the one with the basketballs that have to go in the toilet) and the second bonus game (The one with the spike balls that have to hit the UFO), you can use a very useful glitch. When you pause the game, the balls will keep moving while the time stays frozen like normally when you pause. This can make the basketballs reach the toilet or make the spike balls hit the UFO while the time doesn't advance. This glitch helps you to unlock Senegal and Bolivia. This glitch also causes that the match after these bonus games become very short, so you will have to make a goal or two as soon as possible.

Pause/Exit exploit (Useful)

On both IOS & Android devices, if you exit the game just before your opponent can score a goal against you or use a power shot, you can avoid being scored on or being injured. Later when you continue the game, it starts with a kick-off where the power meters, time, and health of both you and your opponent will be the same as when you quit. Unlike Death Mode, your costume does not come back.

Play with any character (Useful/Just for fun)

This can happen then.

When you finish the very first match in Fight Mode, the plane will go towards the next destination. In order to make the glitch work, you must wait for the plane to almost land, then click "back". You will notice that you're back in the character selection but the second match starts! Don't worry, the character section will still be available after, and while the plane travels, you can pick any character you want (Even if locked). If you beat Fight Mode, you will get the Fight Mode trophy for the character you originally selected.

UFO Bonus Game Glitch (Disadvantageous)

When you play the UFO Bonus Game, sometimes your character can levitate up to the side of the screen between the pipes. This happens randomly and the cause is unknown. If your character is to the very edge of the screen, they would levitate up and stay up between the pipe until the time runs out. Once this occurs, you can't get back down.

Miscellaneous Glitches

These glitches are miscellaneous.

Reward video glitch (Useful)

While watching a reward video, press the home button and then re-open the game, so you can skip the video. The close button will appear and you'll get your reward without having to wait for the end of the video. This glitch can also work with the video time glitch. Watch a video then press Home button then go back to Head Soccer, then go to settings > general > date and time and then turn on automatic time, then put it a day ahead then go back to Head Soccer and timer will be reset.

Reward Video Glitch 2 (Useful)

This glitch doesn't happen very often but when it happens it's very useful. If you have low internet and press on the "Free Point" TV, the screen will become black without any ad playing, this is because the ad is loading. If this happens, then press the back button on your device as soon as you see the black screen, and the game will reward you, even though you didn't watch the ad.

Video time glitch (Useful)

If you have watched a video, it says you have to wait before you can watch another one, an hour for instance. If you want to watch the video to get free points without waiting an hour, go out of the game and move the clock on your mobile one hour forward. Then go back to Head Soccer and you can immediately watch the video.

Unconfirmed glitches

These glitches aren't proven to work yet. Please write a comment if you have tried one of these glitches and tell us if it works or not. Also put your Android/IOS version and Head Soccer version in the comment. Currently there are two unconfirmed glitches.

Belgium Stage 18 glitch (Just for fun, nearly impossible to happen)

In Stage 18, if Belgium uses his air shot, but a plant eats his opponent and throws bones at all notes containing the ball, the power will be wasted and Belgium changes into a fan himself.

Playing against same character glitch (Disadvantageous/just for laughs)

There is a glitch that happens in Head Cup ONLY after the white screen glitch. If you manage to continue to next match, you will play against yourself and if you win game will crash, wasting your time and points.

Super Saiyan Stage 17 Face Glitch (Just for Laughs)

If Super Saiyan gets stuck in a spider web from the spider of stage 17 in Death Mode and activates his power shot while being stuck, when he comes back down, his face will be facing the wrong side.

Counter Effect glitch(advantageous/disadvantageous)

There have been reports in the comments about when they or the opponent using a power shot, followed by a counter, countering again, using power shot to block and then the opponent uses power shot to block the person who initiated the power, will result in getting the effect of it (eg. Cameron gets thunder effect, Nigeria gains knock up).