Giant Spider

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Giant Spider
Obstacle 17.gif
General informations
Full name Giant Spider
Stage 17
Effect Spider will shoot silk every some time and if you touch it, your body will be on cobwebs and hanging upside-down as the same effect as Portugal's Shot. The ball will bounce away after getting hit with silk.
Aims? No
Boss of this Obstacle Portugal
Boss's Costume Spider Web Costume

Giant Spider is an obstacle in Death Mode in Stage 17 and possibly Stage 29.


It's a big spider hanging on its web which swings slowly.


It throws a blob of silk which has the effect of Portugal's Spider Shot if you come into contact with it. It also makes the ball bounce when it touches it.


If you stand side by side with your opponent and Giant Spider shoots the silk just between you and opponent, both you and your opponent will get the Portugal's Power Shot effect.


Head Soccer Logo.png
The Head Soccer Wiki has a collection of images related to Giant Spider.
  • It's the 17th obstacle in Death Mode.