Characters with several appearances

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Some characters have two or even three different appearances when either you click the Power Button or when their accessories are off. Some of them have an almost totally different appearance, others change only a bit. All those Characters are listed below.


France's First Appearance France's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: A grey-haired guy with a cigar.

2nd Appearance: The same guy, but he lost his cigar.


Netherlands's First Appearance Netherlands's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: A guy with orange hair and earrings and black sunglasses.

2nd Appearance: The same guy, but he lost his sunglasses.


Cyborg's First Appearance Cyborg's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: A well functioning robot.

2nd Appearance: A damaged robot with his forehead part knocked off and his eyes coming off.


Portugal's First Appearance Portugal's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: A guy with brown hair and brown skin, wearing a Spider-Man mask.

2nd Appearance: The same guy, but he lost his Spider-Man mask.


Devil's First Appearance Devil's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: An anime character. He looks like a normal person with white-grey hair.

2nd Appearance: The same character, but dark purple and with bat wings, horns and luminous eyes.


Canada's First Appearance Canada's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: A guy with blond hair and a red nose muff.

2nd Appearance: The same guy, but he has lost his nose muff.


Poland's First Appearance Poland's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: A guy with purple hair and black, round sunglasses.

2nd Appearance: The same guy, but without the sunglasses.

Super Saiyan

Super Saiyan's First Appearance Super Saiyan's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: A child with a smiley face and black hair.

2nd Appearance: A typical Super Saiyan with fair skin, blond hair and an angry facial expression.


Ireland's First Appearance Ireland's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: A leprechaun with deep blue eyes, a green hat, orange hair and beard and a clover in his mouth.

2nd Appearance: The same guy, but without the four leaved clover in his mouth.


China's First Appearance China's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: Monkey king Sun Wu Kong with his crown.

2nd Appearance: The same character, but he has lost his crown and his eyes are on fire.


Israel's First Appearance Israel's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: A guy with brown hair and a brown beard, wearing a crown with Isreal's star on it.

2nd Appearance: The same character, but without the crown.


Belgium's First Appearance Belgium's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: A rockstar with long, yellow hair.

2nd Appearance: The same guy, but with white makeup and a grey star around one of his eyes.


Croatia's First Appearance Croatia's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: A young boy with dark red hair.

2nd Appearance: Darth Vader.


Hungary's First Appearance Hungary's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: A guy with grey hair who wears two red textile strips as a mask.

2nd Appearance: The same guy, but without the textile strips.


India's first appearance Hong Kong's second appearance

Hong Kong

Hong Kong's First Appearance Hong Kong's Second Appearance Hong Kong's third appearance

1st Appearance: Bruce Lee with black hair.

2nd Appearance: Bruce Lee with blond hair looking angry.

3rd Appearance: Bruce Lee with black glasses


Mon-K's First Appearance Mon-K's Second Appearance Mon-K's Third Appearance

1st Appearance: Nerd/scientist with brown hair, blue eyes and a big nose, black glasses.

2nd Appearance: The same nerdy guy, but he has lost his glasses.

3rd Appearance: Blue Hulk with brown hair, blue skin and angry face with big teeth.

Czech Republic

Czech Republic's First Appearance Czech Republic's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: Demon with green hair, two small horns on his forehead, yellow eyes and a mean facial expression.

2nd Appearance: Demon with yellow and grey hair, one big red horn, a red and black skin, luminous eyes and a mean facial expression.


Nepal's First Appearance Nepal's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: A guy with dark blue, spiky hair and pointy red sunglasses.

2nd Appearance: The same character, but he lost his sunglasses.


Georgia's First Appearance Georgia's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: Rotating Fighter with his mouth open. He has black hair and a happy facial expression.

2nd Appearance: Rotating Fighter with a light-brown skin, black headband and an angry facial expression.


Indonesia's First Appearance Indonesia's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: A guy with a scar, wearing a kind of ninja mask.

2nd Appearance: A guy with lit up eyes, wearing a black, blue and white mask and looks like Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat.


Ukraine's First Appearance Ukraine's Second Appearance Ukraine's Third Appearance

1st Appearance: Girl with brown hair, red eyes and round glasses.

2nd Appearance: The same girl, but without the glasses.

3rd Appearance: Girl with blonde hair and red eyes with a scar on her left cheek, that looks like Lara Croft.


Serbia's First Appearance Serbia's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: Girl with her brown hair in a bun, green-blue eyes, purple glasses and earrings.

2nd Appearance: Girl with blonde hair, blue eyes and a golden hair band with a blue star on it, that looks like Wonder Woman.


WatermelBot's First Appearance WatermelBot's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: Green watermelon with a big red open mouth and big squinted black eyes.

2nd Appearance: Angry green watermelon with a big white mouth and big shiny teeth. Also he has a red head and blue eyes.


PumpKill's First Appearance PumpKill's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: Normal orange pumpkin with big black eyes and a small black mouth.

2nd Appearance: Normal orange pumpkin with a a more dented and rough head, sinister black eyes and a big black mouth in a sinister grin.


Bulgaria's First Appearance Bulgaria's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: A guy with black hair, big eyes and young appearance.

2nd Appearance: A typical Super Saiyan God with fair skin, turquoise hair and an angry facial expression.


Finland's First Appearance Finland's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: A guy with red hair, round bulging eyes, a grin and the outline of an Angry Bird, but without a beak.

2nd Appearance: A green pig with spiky red hair that stands up, resembling a pig in Angry Birds.


Honduras' First Appearance Fiji's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: A normal guy with blue hair and black eyes.

2nd Appearance: An angry boy with light-blue hair, big ears and yellow eyes.


Fiji's First Appearance Fiji's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: A bald guy with big ears and black eyes.

2nd Appearance: An angry guy, with a big mouth, big teeth, white eyes and big ears.


Madagascar's First Appearance Madagascar's Second Appearance

1st Appearance: Normal guy with orange hair and black eyes.

2nd Appearance: The same guy, but with a grey cap.


Character68.png Character68 1.png

1st Appearance: An old scientist with black hair, goggles and a normal smile.

2nd Appearance: Also an old scientist with blonde hair, red glasses and creepier smile.


Character69.png Character69 1.png

1st Appearance: An anime looking like boy with blue hair and yellow eyes.

2nd Appearance: Almost the same guy, but he has a red scarf over his head, and has brighter eyes.

The Philippines

Character70.png Character70 1.png

1st Appearance: She looks like an anime girl, with brown hair and weird glasses

2nd Appearance: She has not her glasses anymore, she has green eyes, angrier expression and an earring. She also a a red accessory on her hair.


Character71.png Character71 1.png

1st Appearance: He has a square chin, blue spiky hair and eyes, and sharp nose and teeth.

2nd Appearance: He becomes a blue shark.


Character72.png Character72 1.png

1st Appearance: He looks like an anime boy, with blonde hair and orange eyes.

2nd Appearance: His hair turns black with a bit of white, and has an angrier expression.

Silicon Valley

Character73.png Character73 2.png

1st Appearance: He has closed eyes, a big smile, brown hair, and a little bit of beard.

2nd Appearance: He has sunglasses, a cigarette,a different hairstyle, and a scar on his face.


Character74.png Character74 2.png

1st Appearance: He has angry eyebrows, white tanned skin, brown hair and brown eyes. He also has a mustache.

2nd Appearance: When activating his Power Button, Boxing will have a boxing cape that hides a huge part of his face, only revealing one of his eyes, and his mouth.

Boxing also has 3rd Appearance: After performing his power shot, Boxing will remove his boxing cape, and will lose his hair as well. His hair won't come back till the end of the match.


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Costa Rica

Character80.png Character80 2.png


Character81.png Character81 2.png


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Character85.png Character85 2.png


Character86.PNG Character86 1.PNG


Character87.png Character87 2.png