Walk Reversed

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Walk Reversed
Walk Reversed.gif
General information
Name Walk Reversed
User(s) of this effect Brazil
Effect Your controls will be switched
Power Shot(s) Name or Costume(s) name Firebird Shot
Meteor Shot
Fireball Shot

Walk Reversed is a Power Shot Effect in Head Soccer


Walk Reversed are three yellow question marks, and you look like you are burned.


Your walk is reversed. The right button is for walk to the left, the left button is for walk to the right.

Power Shot Button Effects

India's Power Shot Button Effect

India will strech his head and his eyes will glow red. He will turn into a fire mummy, surrounded with fire at a close range. If the opponent touches the fire, his Controls will be reversed.

Norway's Power Shot Button Effect

Norway will be covered with a huge trail of fire, if you touch the fire, your controls will be reversed.

Power Shots

Firebird Shot (Brazil's Power Shot)

When Brazil unleashes this Power Shot, Brazil's Bird containing the ball goes up at about a 15 degree angle, then shoots downwards towards the opponent's goal, much like Canada's Snow Storm Shot, when used in the air, and Chile's Snake Shot. If the ball makes contact, the moving controls are reversed, the player turns red and combusts into flame, left being right and vice versa. He will get the Walk Reversed effect. The defender, after being struck, usually just runs into his own goal until the effect wears off after a few seconds.

Meteor Shot (Thailand's Air Power Shot)

Thailand's air shot is a simple straight-line shot, but with several little meteors which fall straight down from the sky. If you get hit by one of those falling meteors, the after effect on you will be the same as with Brazil's Power Shot: Your controls will be switched and you have the Walk Reversed Effect. This means that if you press left, you will move right and conversely. You have to dodge the meteors to have a greater chance to stop the shot.

Fireball Shot (India's Air Power Shot)

India rises into the air, and fires a large amount of fireballs, making the opponent catch on fire and backing him into his own goal, and sends the ball into the goal. When you touch not more than 5 fireballs, you wil get the Walk Reversed Effect.