Firebird Shot

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Firebird Shot
Screenshot 2016-01-04-19-29-26 1-0.jpg
General information
Power Shot Name Firebird Shot
Power Shot Sort Downward Slanting
Power Shot User Brazil
Kepler 22B
Duration of Power Shot 4 seconds
Power Shot Effect Walk Reversed
Power Shot Elements Brazil's Bird
Icon Icon9.jpg

The Firebird Shot is a Power Shot and it belongs to Brazil and Kepler 22B.


When Brazil unleashes this Power Shot, a flaming phoenix containing the ball goes up at about a 15 degree angle, then shoots downwards towards the opponent's goal, much like Canada's Snow Storm Shot, when used in the air, and Chile's Snake Shot. If the ball makes contact, the moving Controls are reversed, the player turns red and combusts into flame, left is right and vice versa. The defender, after being struck, usually just runs into his own goal until the effect wears off after a few seconds. Some defenders would also attempt to impact the ball by Dashing, but it usually fails as they mostly dash forwards too much and miss the ball.


You will go on fire and walk reversed (means right is left and left is right).


Brazil will say: "Firebird Shot!" and you will hear an eagle.