Snake Shot

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Snake Shot
Chilian Shot-0.png
Snake Shot
General information
Power Shot Name Snake Shot
Power Shot Sort Downward Slanting
Power Shot User Chile
Duration of Power Shot 2 seconds
Power Shot Effect Chile's Snake
Power Shot Elements Chile's Snake
Icon Icon22.png

The Snake Shot is a Power shot and it belongs to Chile


When the power shot starts,he yells "Snake Shot!" and a giant black viper appears above Chile with its tail flowing to where Chile's head is. Then the ball gets shot from the mouth of the snake with a downward slant similar to Brazil's and Canada's. If the ball hits the opponent he will get wrapped in the snake that make him unable to move, and pull him towards his own goal, so that Chile can just focus on kicking the ball into your goal, without your frozen body in the way. When the Snake shot is used from about mid-field, depending on if Chile jumped, the Power Shot can be very hard to block and almost impossible to counter. However, it is pretty easy to stop if you have your own Power Shot.


Chile says "Snake Shot!".


If the opponent touches the Snake, he wil be strangled by Chile's Snake.