Snow Storm Shot

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Snow Storm Shot
Canadian Shot-0.png
Snow Storm Shot
General information
Power Shot Name Snow Storm Shot
Power Shot Sort Downward Slanting
Power Shot User Canada
Duration of Power Shot 2 Seconds
Power Shot Effect Freezing
Power Shot Elements Canada's Snowman
Icon Icon21.png

The Snow Storm Shot is a Power Shot and it belongs to Canada.


When Canada starts the Power Shot, he yells "Snow Storm Shot!" and many large snowflakes appear, all around where Canada is. After that, there are two things that can happen. First, if Canada is standing on the ground, then the ball will shoot straight forwards at the opponent's goal. Second, if Canada is in the air, the ball will start slightly above Canada's head and launch itself at a downward angle towards the ground, much like Brazil's Firebird Shot and Chile's Snake Shot. During either of these if the ball hits the opponent, then they will be turned into a snowman that can easily be kicked into the goal, making way for Canada to kick the ball into the goal. One humorous aspect of this shot is when you turn into a snowman, the chorus from the song, "Jingle Bells" plays.


When you touch the ball you will transform to Canada's Snowman.


Canada says "Snow Storm Shot." Also, there's is the "Jingle Bells" tune if you get touched, and it continues if you get hit by the snowball a second and third time.