Brazil's Bird

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Brazil's Bird
Brazil's Bird.gif
General information
Name Brazil's Bird
User of this element Brazil
Power Shot Name Firebird Shot
Power Shot Effect Ground Shot -
Power Shot Effect Air Shot -

Brazil's Bird is the Power Shot Element of Brazil.


Brazil's Bird is a fire Phoenix.

Power Shots

Head Soccer Logo.png
The Head Soccer Wiki has a collection of images related to Brazil's Bird.

Firebird Shot (Brazil's Power Shot)

When Brazil unleashes this Power Shot, Brazil's Bird containing the ball goes up at about a 15 degree angle, then shoots downwards towards the opponent's goal, much like Canada's Snow Storm Shot, when used in the air, and Chile's Snake Shot. If the ball makes contact, the moving controls are reversed, the player turns red and combusts into flame, left being right and vice versa. The defender, after being struck, usually just runs into his own goal until the effect wears off after a few seconds.