Costumes Guide

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The Costumes Guide is a page all about how to use Costumes with an effect (moslty S and SS Costumes), and about what the best choice to make is when your opponent wears one of these Costumes. It also shows you which Costumes are better for you to buy and which ones you'd better not spend your well deserved points on. The stats of the Costumes are also included in the guide to give you a better overview and make the choice easier.


You can knock costumes off by causing harm to your opponent. It can be by kicking him/her or using your power button effect. Sometimes, it's much easier because there are some characters that lose their costume when they activate their power button.

Most of the time, it is good to try to knock a costume off your opponent's head as fast as possible, but there are exceptions. For example, when your opponent has a very weak power shot and wears a costume that boosts his power shot, you can just leave the costume on his head, because you can try to score out of your opponent's power shot. Another scenario is when your opponent wears a costume that makes him jump so high, that his power shot goes over the goal all the time. You must decide when it's logical to knock a costume off and when it's okay to let him have his costume, but to give you an impression, you can find further information about it in the How to deflect section for every costume. There is also a mistake with the costumes in which CPUs can jump much higher and move much faster than you while wearing a costume. For example, when you wear a certain SS Rank Costume you can jump pretty high, but when a CPU wears the same Costume, he almost seems to fly across the field! This is a disadvantage for you, and you must be aware of it. Costumes in general are a great way to boost your stats, so try to obtain some of the best ones to become even better at Head Soccer! By using most of the costumes, it is a good idea to stand near your opponent.

Headballs Unlock

Since Update 6.0, most Costumes can be unlocked through Headballs. Since even SS ranks costumes can be found, it may be likely that all costumes can be found in Headballs. If you want to unlock them, play Fight Mode or Head Cup because the HeadBalls have the best rewards in these modes.

Fly Costume

Costume 028 1.png

How to use = This is the only C Rank Costume in Head Soccer with a special effect. Nothing is needed to do to use it. A fly will come out and each times it dies, it adds 15% of the power shot bar. It can die by getting hit by the ball, going through it with the costume. So try to kill as much as you can. Try to get it as much as you can, so your power shot will increase quickly and you will get the advantage in the match.

How to deflect = Just kick it off from the opponent, so it won't be disadvantageous for you.

Purchase advice = This costume is one of the few that aren't in the S/SS rank with an effect. This costume and the Diamond Tiara Costume are the cheapest costumes with an effect. This is recommended for beginners, not for people that are familiar with the game and want something really useful.

User = Czech Republic


Diamond Tiara Costume

Costume 035 1.png

How to use = This is the only B Rank Costume in Head Soccer with a special effect. To use it, you don't have to do anything. Every 5 seconds, the Diamond Tiara Costume fills around 20% of your Power Bar. The only thing you have to do is to make sure that you wear this Costume as long as possible; so don't let it get kicked off your head, otherwise you can't really take advantage of the Effect of the Costume.

How to deflect = The only thing you need to do is to kick this Costume off the head of your opponent as soon as possible, otherwise his Power Bar gets filled faster than usual and he can use his Power Shot much more often, Or, not that much more actually, because in fact 20% isn't that much anyway. To put it in perspective: if you have your Power Upgraded to the maximum, your Power Bar will still be charged much faster than that of your CPU opponent wearing the Diamond Tiara Costume.

Purchase advice = The Diamond Tiara Costume is one of two non-S or SS Rank Costumes with an Effect, the other being the Fly Costume, and that makes it much cheaper than all those S and SS Rank Costumes with Effects. That makes this Costume an absolute bargain! However, the Effect of the Costume is only small and it doesn't boost your Stats very much like all other Costumes with Effects do: Your Jump will be upgraded +5 and Power +3, that's all. Conclusion: The Costume is good for beginners to buy because it's cheap and better than all other Costumes that cost a similar amount of points. The Effect is useful, but not very strong. Therefore, when you can win a lot of Head Cups and get lots of points, you should save your money to buy a Costume that is more expensive, and above all one that is better.

User = Serbia


Hammer Costume

Costume 050.png

How to use = This is the first S Rank Costume with an Effect. The best way to use this Costume is by walking towards the opponent and hit him with the Hammer. The Hammer can only strike the opponent when you are very close to him, otherwise the effect is useless. The Hammer isn't able to knock the other character out, but it hurts him and can make him lose his Costume, which is also the most useful thing about the Effect.

How to deflect = You can dodge this Costume by not coming too close to your opponent, or you can eliminate it once and forever by kicking it off the head of the other player. It doesn't matter that much if your opponent wears this costume, because the effect isn't that disadvantageous for you at all. It can only make you lose your Costume, so if you wear one you must make sure you don't get hit by the hammer; otherwise it doesn't matter that much, because it only hurts you a bit but won't knock you out. Besides, mostly you won't get hit by the hammer multiple times, as the hammer doesn't reach far. Later, you can knock the Costume off with your Power Shot anyway, so you don't have to take all the effort to kick the costume off.

Purchase advice = This Costume is not one of the best, but also not one of the worst. The Hammer Costume is not expensive, but the Effect is not very effective. It's better to wait spending your points until you can buy a Costume that is better than this one. It only damages your opponent a bit but won't help you scoring goals. It's just not really a good idea to buy it, because for the same amount of points you can get the Wolf Costume, to name something. The Stats are also not a valuable reason to still buy it; the Costume increases your Kick ability the most - with +5 - but Kick is maybe the least helpful Stat of all.

User = New Zealand


Electric Costume

Costume 051.png

How to use = This is one of the worst Costume with an Effect, since the Effect is so small. It only shoots a electric shockwave to the opponent when he walks to close to him. Also the only thing you have to do is walking close to the opponent, so he will get under current. You can after that kick the opponent away, but this helps not much since the Effect is very small. Also 80% of the times when you have this Costume it won't give the opponent the electric shockwave. This Costume is just useless and not good at all.

How to deflect = It's easy to deflect this Costume. The only thing you have to do is trying to not touch the Electric Costume when it use his Effect. All other times you can just touch this Costume and even you can easily kick it off the head of your opponent. Also when you touch this Costume, it doesn't matter very much since the Costume not give you huge damage. You never will lose your own Costume or the without getting hurt Achievement and that makes this Costume useless.

Purchase advice = As you already read before, this Costume is not good at all. That's why this Costume is also not an idea to buy. The price is cheap for a Costume with a Effect, but the Effect does not give you what the price is worth. Like the Hammer Costume, you should save your points to buy better Costumes. There are lots of Costumes that are more expensive than this one, but the Effect is much better. That's why those Costumes are price worthy and not this Costume. The Stats Bonus are also low. Almost everything has +1 or +2. Only Jump has +3, but that is still not very high and not useful.

User = Colombia


Wolf Costume

Costume 052.png

How to use = This is an S Rank Costume, so it is not very expensive, only 430,000 points. Nevertheless its Effect is great! Every few seconds it bites towards the opponent, who gets killed if he was too close. To use this Effect, come close to your opponent, but not too close or he might be able to kick you; besides, the Wolf Costume reaches far enough. But always stay focused at the ball in the first place, because otherwise the Costume won't help you much. And when the Costume has eaten your opponent, go after the ball and dash it into your opponent's goal quickly, because he won't be removed from the field for long. However, it should be enough for you to score out of this open goal chance.

How to deflect = It's dangerous to try to kick the Wolf Costume off the head of your opponent, because it will kill you eventually if you stay close to your opponent for some time. Avoid its bites and only when the costume has just done its Effect, you are safe to go at your opponent and kick him to remove this Costume. You can also wait until your Power Bar is fully charged and knock the Wolf Costume off with your own Power Shot. Another possibility is to use the Effect of your own Costume. Both ways are not without danger but at least you don't have to come close to your opponent.

Purchase advice = The Wolf Costume is a very useful Costume, because it can give you open goal chances. Its Stats are also quite good, because your Speed and Power get upgraded with +3, Kick and Jump +2 and Dash +1. Nevertheless it's much cheaper than all SS Rank Costumes (of which some even have a much worse Effect), so we certainly advise you to buy it! Good Stats, great Effect and relatively very cheap; what a bargain! Even if you don't have that many points, you can still buy it and you should really do so.

User = Hong Kong


Rocket Costume

Costume 52 1.png

How to use = The last S Rank Costume is also good, but not as good as the Wolf Costume. There will be an rocket shot to your opponent. When he knocks it, he get pushed hardly away. This Effect is good and the rocket will always knock your opponent, because it will always go to him. It doesn't matter much where you use it, but you should use it somewhere before the opponent and his goal. Then your opponent will be unconscious and you can kick the ball quickly into the goal of your opponent. On other places of the field this Costume can also be good, but if you want to score we prefer you to use it on that way.

How to deflect = This Costume is hard to deflect, because it seems it's always faster than your own Costume or kicking. Kicking is the best way, but you will always knock the Rocket once. After that you can kick it off the head of your opponent and that is the best way you can use. Using another Costume is often not possible, because the rocket is fast and you already lost your own Costume when you did that. You can also try to jump over this Costume, but this is hard and you need your Jump upgraded to the maximum.

Purchase advice = The Rocket Costume is a useful Costume and it can be an idea to buy. There are better Costumes, but this is one of the best Costumes and it's also cheap. The Stats are also OK, with Jump and Power upgraded with +4. The price makes this Costume the best for buying. The Effect is good, but if this Costume was not so cheap as now, than it was not an idea to buy. The price of this Costume is not high, so that makes this Costume a good idea to buy, but you must remember that there are better Costumes.

User = Indonesia


One-Eyed-Ghoul Mask


How to Use = This costume is really effective if you stand in front of your opponent, because there's only a few chances he can escape this costume, and that can be really advantageous for you.

How to deflect = More than any other costume, you should knock it off your opponent's head as soon as possible, otherwise you might lose the game just because your opponent is wearing this costume. You can't come close to him, because the effect happens so often, that you will usually get hit even if you are close to your opponent for a little while. So: make sure to use your power shot as soon as it is loaded and use it to knock the costume off. If you don't do it: the longer your opponent will wear this costume, the greater the chance you'll lose this match.

Purchase Advice = Since the effect is pretty useful and the chances to catch the opponent are high, this costume might be worth purchasing, with only 450,000 points.

User = Finland


Missile Costume


How to use = This costume can be really damaging to the opponent and can really be in your advantage if your opponent get knocked by the missiles multiple times:

How to deflect = This costume is a powerful costume, and needs to be removed as quickly as possible, otherwise it can be really disadvantageous for you. If the opponent is offensive, try to remove the costume as fast as possible to avoid being knocked out, and if the opponent's defensive, stay in the drawn circle of your side of the field, and nothing will happen to you while your power charges and give you a chance to remove the opponent's costume. The quickest this costume will be removed from your opponent, better are you chances to win the match.

Purchase Advice = This costume costs 460,000 which is an okay price for a costume with an effect like this one, so it is rather worth buying.

User = Norway


Shotgun Costume

Costume 063.png

How to use = The Shotgun Costume will shoot a bullet every 2 seconds. If the opponent touches it, he will be pushed away. However, the bullets can't touch the opponent if he stays on the ground.

How to deflect = This Costume's effect is easily avoidable, as long as you don't jump when a bullet comes out. If you want to keep your costume on, you better remove it from the opponent when you will need to jump, or it will be lost.

Purchase advice = This costume was one of the first effect costume in the game, explaining is weak effect. The bullets only hurt the opponent, and push him back, and it is only effective when the opponent jumps. However, Stats are good, mostly Speed and Jump. You will more interesting costumes along the way. It costs 800,000 points.

User = None.

Spikes Costume

Costume 064.png

How to use = This costume is not pretty effective. Every 3 seconds, Spikes will come out of the helmet, and if the opponent touches it, he will be pushed away and will lose his costume. It only works when the opponent stands on it.

How to deflect = This costume isn't hard to deflect, because as long as you don't stand on it, it won't hurt you.

Purchase advice = This costume isn't the best costume I would recommend to buy, since the effect is weak and there's few chances the opponent will stand on it at the good time. It costs 750,000 points.

User = Sweden


Fire Flame Costume

Costume 065.png

How to use = You use it when your opponent gets close and jumps over you. But for 3 or 4 seconds, it can happen, then it will turn off. This can happen if the opponent tries to jump over you and fire comes up.

How to deflect = You can use a good power shot like Serbia's Air Shot and you can knock it off by using your good powers. Or don't jump over it.

Purchase advice = The costume costs 1,000,000 points to buy. A good way to get points is getting an SS Rank on Survival or completing a game on Death Mode. Death Mode can give you a lot of points of how many stages are there. There's 30 if you didn't know. Completing a Death Mode game can earn you 325500 points of how long and hard it is.

User = Z


Technology Costume

Costume 066.png

How to use = This costume will freeze your opponent for a short time if he touches the laser beam that gets out of the costume, so you will have to make sure the opponent is always in front of you to make it advantageous.

How to deflect = This Costume's effect is hardly avoidable, except if your jump is high, or if you have a pet to stand on. So you better kick it off the opponent in order to not getting interrupted very often.

Purchase advice = The Technology costume is kinda the same as the Ice costume, the effect lasts a little shorter, but it activates frequently. You will have a really small time to score, while the opponent is blocked, but it is meant to interrupt the opponent more than directly scoring. The stats are okay, especially for kick and power. You might want to get another costume. It costs 1,000,000 points.

User = Denmark


Spider Web Costume

Costume 067.png

How to use = This costume shoots spider web silk, but shoots it quite far away. This means that you can hit your opponent while being on your own side, and you should use it that way. This is great against characters that play defensively. Here is what you should do: Walk forward until you are in the center circle, then wait until your costume performs its trick, and once your opponent is dangling on the ceiling you can simply walk the ball in. If you jump, the spider silk reaches even further. Because it the spider silk lands almost a half field away, you usually won't step in it, but you always have to watch out. It also works really well in combination with your power shot!

How to deflect = You should kick it off your opponent's head, and that's quite easy, because the silk will shoot over your head mostly and therefore it's okay to be close to the other player anyway. You can always see in which area you shouldn't come, so that makes it easier to avoid. When your jump is upgraded you can easily jump over it too.

Purchase advice = I know most of the people who think of the Spider Web Costume, automatically think of Portugal's power shot, which is considered quite weak. But you should drop your prejudices; as a costume's effect it's way better! It can hit your opponent from far away, so you don't have to come close to him all the time (so there's less chance that he will kick it off your head) and usually the spider silk on the ground won't bother you. Furthermore, when the opponent steps in it, you will have an open goal chance, with clear view of where your opponent is! It might not be the very best costume, but it's still good and the only 1,200,000 points are worth it!

User = Australia


Magnet Costume

Costume 068.png

How to use = This costume hasn't a particular spot to work on, since it will make the ball coming towards you wherever you are. Just make sure never to go in your own goal, because it will give a point to the opponent.

How to deflect = This costume isn't that bothering, because its effect is not quite dangerous, though it might confuse you for a second, but since the opponent is rather in his side, it can help you scoring.

Purchase advice = I wouldn't recommend purchasing it because this costume isn't advantageous. It can push the ball into your cage, or waste your power shot. For almost the same price (1,200,000), you can afford better costumes with effects that might be more useful.

User = Peru


Shrinking Costume

Costume 069.png

How to use = This costume's effect will activate every few seconds. It will shoot blue rays for a second. To make it effective, you should be in front of your opponent in order to make him go in the rays, making him smaller. If this happen, then you will be able to throw your opponent back to his goal with a single kick, making him weaker than you.

How to deflect = This costume's effect is a little big, so, in order to avoid it, you shouldn't be close to your opponent, or you must kick the costume from him. If the opponent keeps the costume on, you will be weakened the whole match and it will be difficult for you to push him.

Purchase advice = This costume's purpose is to decrease the opponent's strength, and make him vulnerable to kick ten times faster. It is pretty useful if he always get in your way. The stats for Power, Kick and Speed are pretty good too ! The costume costs 1,300,000 Points.

User = Luxembourg


Red Boxing Glove Costume

Costume 070.png

How to use = To use it, you should get close to your opponent when you think the Glove is going to punch. It will then push the opponent hard back into his goal and make him unconscious for a second. It is advantageous if you punch the opponent as often as you can.

How to deflect = To avoid being punched, you should wait for the costume to punch at least once, while being away from it. Then, you can focus on removing it from the opponent as fast as possible. If you don't succeed removing it the first time, prepare to dodge the second punch.

Purchase Advice = This costume's effect is good, as the opponent can't always get in your way. It doesn't knock him out, but it helps scoring by pushing him away, especially when you dash into the ball with a good timing. It costs 1,300,000 points, and the power upgrade is +6. This costume is pretty good !

User = Romania


Bubble Costume

Costume 071.png

How to use = To use it, come close to your opponent when you think the bubble will shoot and then, when your opponent is taken up in the sky by the bubble, react quickly by picking up the ball and scoring, as the effect won't stay long. You won't get encased by the bubble even if you walk through it, so you don't have to worry about that.

How to deflect = When your opponent wears it, it's not one of the hardest costumes to avoid, just stay quite far away from your opponent and the bubble when it is in the field and you'll be fine. The effect doesn't last long anyway, so your opponent will not score all the time when you get hit.

Purchase advice = This costume is better than you might think! It creates chances for you and you can see when your opponent comes back. However, as mentioned before, the effect lasts really short, and that is what brings this costume down to Earth. You should buy it, once you have bought the very best costumes around.

User = South Africa


Ice Costume

Costume 072.png

How to use = You don't really have to follow any instructions to use this costume because it will hit your opponent from anywhere in the field, except that it will hit him more often when you are standing on the ground. While your opponent is frozen, try to lob him or use a fast power shot, but you have to be quick; the effect is really short. Sometimes, however, you can score a goal out of kicking the iceblock away.

How to deflect = It's not possible to jump over the effect, unless you wear a costume yourself that increases your jump a lot. If you stay low, you will avoid it when the ice cannon shoots high. Even though the effect is short, it can make it really hard for you to stop power shots, also because you can't use one yourself. The costume hits you quite often, so make sure you kick it off so you won't get interrupted all the time in your gameplay. Also, don't dash while the Ice Costume activates, because when you get hit you'll slip.

Purchase advice = It is certainly not one of the best costumes. The main reason is that the effect doesn't last long, usually too short to score out of it, but sometimes it helps you to make goals. In addition, you still need to pass the ice block to score, and this can be really hard in such a small time span. The price and stats are just okay, so all in all there are better costumes to buy rather than this one.

User = Austria


Antennae Costume

Costume 073.png

How to use = The costume works from itself, so you don't need to do anything, other than avoiding to lose it so you can benefit from it as long as possible. This costume is special in the way that it doesn't affect your opponent, instead it charges your power shot bar. In combination with a good power shot this is great, of course, because you can use it more often. It will make it easier for you to stop power shots, as you will be able to power block power shots, and even counter attacks!

How to deflect = What you should do depends on how strong your opponent's power shot is. You should get rid off it quickly when a strong player is wearing it, but if your opponent has a power shot that you can turn into an own goal for him every time, it might even be an advantage that he's wearing it!

Purchase advice = This is always a useful costume to have in your collection. It might be the ideal costume to use in game modes like Death Mode and Survival, because with a good power shot by your side it will give you many automatic goals, and you can power block almost every ball and power shot!

User = Thailand


Zombie Costume

Costume 074.png

How to use = The Zombie Costume is similar to the Spider Web Costume, it throws a green liquid that will make you disappear if you walk on it. However, the costume will shoot less further than the Spider Web Costume does.

How to deflect = Unlike the Spider Web Costume, the Zombie Costume doesn't allow you to stay near your opponent, as it won't throw the liquid as high as the Other Costume. But it's still easy to dodge if your jump stats are maxed out.

Purchase Advice = The zombie costume has both good and bad points. The effect is useful as it makes disappear the opponent several times, but it doesn't remove his costume, which can be dangerous if he has a SS rank costume for instance. Also, the costume can affect you. The price of the costume is 1,500,000 Points. It adds +3 at least at every stats, so it fully upgrades you. It is up to you !

User = None.

Dragon Costume

Costume 075.png

How to use = Of course you must come close to your opponent to make the flame burn your opponent down. so it creates an open goal chance for you. This is, for example, very useful in Death Mode stages where you have to wait until something disappears before you can score: while the obstacle is there you can burn your opponent down with your costume and when it has disappeared, you can score. It's also good in combination with certain power shots, and it may burn your opponent if he stays back of you. For example, if you use a straight-line power shot close to your opponent, the Dragon Costume might burn him down before he can block your power shot! And if you use it in combination with Cyborg's first shot for example, you have to fly to your opponent while you have your jetpacks.

How to deflect = Stay out of your opponent's way when it hasn't launched the flame for a while, and kick it off your opponent's head, because it can make the other player very powerful. Also, don't fall into temptation to come close to him when he is using a power shot, because that only makes it easier for him to score.

Purchase advice = What a bargain, only 1,600,000 points! In addition, the stats are good and come in handy. But most important of all: the effect is really good. It might take a bit long between every time it performs its effect, but it's worth it. This is one of the few costumes with an effect that makes your opponent completely disappear for a while and it has a greater chance of doing so. It hands you a great chance every time and therefore it's one of the best costumes to buy!

User = Panama and Pumpkill

Character62 1.png

UFO Costume

Costume 076.png

How to use = To benefit from the effect of this costume, nothing will be required to do as long as you wear it. An UFO will come out of the costume, and will lower down the power of the opponent if he gets in the blue rays.

How to deflect = You will need to remove this costume from the opponent quickly, as it will lower your power shot bar and decrease your chances of scoring goals, giving advantage to him. The UFO will come at least once, and won't go away if the costume is kicked off the opponent. To dodge it, you must move away from the rays, making the UFO less effective than staying in place.

Purchase Advice = This costume is really useful when you don't want characters to get their power shots. It can remove at least one or two power shots of the opponent in a match, meaning you'll have more ease to win. It's also useful for achievements. The costume costs 1,600,000 points and upgrades your Speed, Jump and Power by 5. It is a really good costume !

User = Singapore


Gatling Gun Costume

Costume 077.png

How to use = The Gatling gun costume will be over your head. It will shoot infinite bullets 4 seconds after the game started. Most of the bullets won't touch the opponent, since the gun is over your head. It will hurt the opponent, and destabilize him, and eventually make him lose his costume. This costume is bad in most of modes, but for Fight Mode it's one of the best cosutmes ever. It hasn't another effect.

How to deflect = This costume can't be deflected, but you can have chances to keep your costume on if you don't get hit by several bullets, meaning you shouldn't jump. If the costume has an effect, just try to stay on ground, and remove the opponent's costume.

Purchase advice = For 1,800,000 Points, you can buy this costume. The effect hurts the opponent and give you chances to remove his costume pretty fast if he jumps, and can give him trouble blocking attacks. It doesn't do other effects, but it give +3 at every stats, and +5 for Speed and Dash. There are even better costumes on the way.

User = Belgium


Grenade Costume

Costume 078.png

How to Use = This costume will launch a grenade in the field. If you or the opponent get too close of one, you'll go in the air, and lose your costume. It launches a grenade every 3 seconds.

How to deflect = This costume launches grenade that can be kicked off your side, meaning the easiest way to get rid of it is to make the opponent explode with his own grenades.

Purchase advice = This costume is a bit disadvantageous, because there's lot of chances that your own grenades blow up into you, and you'll lose the costume, plus, it has not a good chance to always hit the opponent. The price for it is 1,800,000 points, and it will boost your Jump and Dash +4, and your power +6 ! If you are not interested in this one, check for another costume.

User = Pluto


Bomb Costume

Costume 079.png

How to use = The costume will launch a huge 8-Ball bomb that will take 3 seconds to blow up. If someone gets in the explosion, it will push him away, and make him unconscious. Be careful, because it also works on the costume wearer, like the Grenade Costume.

How to deflect = Kick the bomb towards your opponent, it might remove his costume quicker. The bomb takes time to explode, so you can easily get away from it.

Purchase Advice = This costume like the Grenade Costume, can affect both players. The difference is that this costume is a little more advantageous than the previous one, as it can make the player unconscious. It costs 2,000,000 Points, and boosts everything +2, except Kick and Power +5.

User = Croatia


Sawblade Costume

Costume 080.png

How to use = You have to stand a certain distance away to hit your opponent with it, which is a bit less than half a field. Once you have hit your opponent, the costume will damage him and push him backwards. This is the moment when you can head, kick or walk the ball forward to score an easy goal. It's possible to use this after every kick off and you can score lots of goals! This makes the Sawblade Costume a quite useful costume.

How to deflect = When your opponent wears it, stay away from him or get so close that the costume can't hit you and try to knock it off, because it can be harder playing against an opponent with this costume. At the beginning of the game, you can also wait for your power to fill up, while being close to the ball, and the opponent shouldn't come for a while.

Purchase advice = This costume is most comparable to the Spinning Hands Costume. It's in some ways better, because it hits from a bigger distance and you can see the field and the ball better during the effect, but it can't hit him when he is behind you or too close to you. This costume is relatively cheap though, and the effect is strong as mentioned before. It also increases your stats a lot except for dash, so this is well worth buying.

User = Uruguay


Green Lasers Costume

Costume 081.png

How to use = This kind of helmet will shoot three green lasers that go in different directions. If they hit you, you'll be electrocuted, won't be able to move for a second, and you'll lose your costume.

How to deflect = The lasers are really hard to avoid. If you get lucky, the opponent will jump over you, and you'll get a chance to kick it off from him, but most of the time, you'll not succeed, and you'll lose your costume. Kick it as fast as possible from the opponent.

Purchase Advice = This is an interesting costume, because the effect is pretty great. If you keep it long enough, you'll win the match with ease as the opponent always get electrocuted. It costs 2,200,000 Points, and gives you +3 stats each, except for Speed and Power, that are +5. Good costume !

User = Hungary


Spinning Hands Costume

Costume 082.png

How to use = The Spinning Hands Costume will activate its special effect every three seconds and when your opponent comes too close, the mechanical arms will push him back very strongly, knock off any costume he is wearing and damage him massively, spilling a disproportionate amount of blood. However, it can't knock him out, but the costume is already strong enough. When the costume activates, walk towards the goal with the ball on your foot and the costume will do the rest. You can also head the ball forward and keep moving forward yourself, so you push your opponent backwards before the ball comes. This costume seems to work even better in combination with certain power shots. If you use Cyborg's air shot and then fly towards your opponent, the costume will knock him back and he won't be able to counter your shot, resulting in an automatic goal! It also works when you use straight-line power shots close to your opponent: he won't stand a chance to even block it! There is also a strange bug regarding this costume. It happens when your opponent is behind you and the arms begin to spin. Your opponent will be dragged towards you, and the two of you will be dragged forward automatically. This means that you can't control your character for a while. It's just something you should be aware of when using this costume.

How to deflect = This Costume is hard to deflect, but you always have to stay out of your opponent's way, try to kick it off or even better: remove it from your opponent's head with your power shot.

Purchase advice = The Spinning Hands Costume is one of the strongest costumes in the whole game. It can give you free passage to the goal. If you come close to your opponent, he will always get hit, even if he is behind you! The only thing that might annoy you about this costume is that it blocks your overview. When the ball is close to you, you can hardly see it anymore, which is a problem when the ball is bouncing. The stats are very useful, giving you Speed, Kick and Power boost of +6! It is worth only 2,400,000 points points, which is a whopping 1,000,000 points cheaper than some of the most expensive costumes in the game. Good effect, good stats and relatively cheap: enough reasons to mark this costume high on your shopping list!

User = India


Laser Costume

Costume 083.png

How to use = The Laser Costume will activate every 3 seconds. It will shoot a laser that will push back the opponent, make him lose his costume, and deal some damage. It happens a lot, but this doesn't have a particular effect than just hurting you and pushing you back.

How to deflect = Actually; it is one of the costume whose effect can't be dodged, because wherever you decide to go, you'll be hurt, so it is not convenient if you want to use a costume. However, you can go behind your opponent, or make him jump over you.

Purchase Advice = This costume has good and bad points. It is worth using when you face opponents with dangerous costumes, and need them to be removed quickly. It is really effective to remove costumes fast when the opponent's seems to be problematic for you. However, besides pushing the opponent back for a short while, this costume won't do much. The stats are good, so I can't tell to buy it or not, because it is more of your personal choice. It costs 2,600,000, points, which needs a lot of time to collect. The choice will be yours, my friend.

User = Nepal


Motorcycle Bomb Costume

Costume 084.png

How to Use = The helmet will shoot a big cannon ball in the air, and will try to land on you. If it does, you'll be turned into ashes, and won't be able to move for a few seconds, giving advantage to the costume wearer.

How to deflect = A blue laser will show where the cannonball is going to land, so you can predict where it will go. You must move away from it, and nothing will happen to you. This costume is easy to remove from the opponent if you dodge correctly.

Purchase advice = The costume has a hard chance to hit the opponent as he moves a lot, but the effect is really useful, so the costume is good anyway. It costs 3,000,000 Points, which is kinda expensive. It is one the most expensive costume of the game, so think about how you are gonna use it before buying it. The stats are pretty good, Power +5, Kick +7...

User = Georgia


Medusa Costume

Costume 085.png

How to use = The Medusa Costume will shoot a laser that has a big range. The laser can go further if you jump, and since it's path is kinda horizontal (almost), there's a really low chance to dodge it. If you get hit by it, you'll turn into a stone statue that can't move for about 2 seconds.

How to deflect = Like said above, the costume can't be easily dodged, as the laser can reach the whole stadium, and it won't stop until it touches the ground. Few are the chances that you'll not be touched. The only tip is to kick the costume really fast, and don't worry if you get touched once, it happens most of the time.

Purchase Advice = This costume has an awesome effect ! It has no disadvantages, as you hit the opponent easily, and it happens every few seconds, meaning you can freeze him a lot. keeping this costume on the whole match means easy victory ! Last but not least, the power increase is great too, +7 !!! The price for this, however, is not as awesome : 3,500,000 Points.

User = PumpKill


Dog Costume


How to use = The dog costume works when you get close to the opponent. If you have a great timing (when the dog costume barks), it will eat the opponent player, and will make him disappear longer than the Wolf Costume does.

How to deflect = The only thing you should do is kick it off, while being careful no to get too close of the opponent.

Purchase Advice = This is the most expensive costume along the Medusa Costume, but if you had to pick one, take the Medusa Costume, this costume has less chances to be effective than the Medusa Costume. It costs 3,500,000 points as well and increase your speed +6, and Jump +5.

Glitch = When the costume does spit the bone of the opponent, make sure to touch his goal's wall, then, the opponent will disappear for the whole game (till Sudden Death, or goal scored).

User = Mongolia


Honorable mentions

This section is about Costumes without an Effect. It's a small overview of the Non-effect Costumes that are very good, very bad or special in any other way. You should describe Every Non-effect Costume below that has something special.

Costume 058.png

Samurai General Costume = This SS Rank Costume may not have an Effect, but it's still good because it upgrades your Power with a whopping +7! It doesn't upgrade your Power Bar once every few seconds, but gradually and moreover very fast. which makes it finer in some way. The Costume increases all remaining Stats with +2, which is a little, but still useful bonus. The only disadvantage is that it's not cheap with a price of 550,000 points.

More Honorable mentions Coming Soon!