Chile's Snake

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Chile's Snake
Chile's Snake.gif
General information
Name Chile's Snake
User of this element Chile
Power Shot Name Snake Shot
Power Shot Effect Ground Shot -
Power Shot Effect Air Shot Downward Shot

Chile's Snake is the Power Shot Element and Power Shot Effect of Chile.


Chile's Snake is a black snake with triangular red eyes.

Power Shot

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The Head Soccer Wiki has a collection of images related to Chile's Snake.

Snake Shot (Chile's Power Shot)

When Chile touches the ball after activating the Power Button, Chile's Snake will appear above Chile's head. Chile's Snake will have the ball in his mouth and go downward to the goal.

Chile's Snake appears.gif Chile's Snake fast.gif

If the opponent touches Chile's Snake, he gets wrapped up by it. This makes the opponent unable to move, and the snake slowly drags him towards his own goal, so that Chile can just focus on kicking the ball into your goal, without having your immobilized character stand in the way.

Chile's Snake Effect.gif