Z's Zombie

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Z's Zombie
Z's Zombie.gif
General information
Name Z's Zombie
User of this element Z
Power Shot Name Zombie Shot
Power Shot Effect Ground Shot Straight Line Shot
Power Shot Effect Air Shot Downward Slanting

Z's Zombie is the Power Shot element of Z.

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The Head Soccer Wiki has a collection of images related to Z's Zombie.


Z's Zombie is grey. He has white spiky teeth, some spikes on his back, closed eyes and he has a black pointed nose. Z's Zombie has a long pink tongue.

Power Shot

Zombie Shot (Z's Air Shot)

Z's Air Power Shot is the Zombie Shot. When Z uses this shot, his grotesque-looking, giant zombie will rise from the ground, and cover half the screen in doing so. When Z uses his Power Shot in the air, the tongue of Z's Zombie will go low. If the giant zombie's tongue catches the defender, and he does not counter the shot, Z's Zombie will put him in its mouth and chew on him, spurting blood everywhere. However, the defender will reappear after a few seconds. If the tongue does not catch him, an acidic, green substance will cover the ground where the tongue landed, and if any player steps in it, they will disappear for a few seconds, then reappear.

Z's Zombie EatingZ's Zombie Open Mouth

Zombie Shot 2 (Z's Ground Shot)

Z's Ground Shot is The Zombie Shot 2. The only difference with the air Power Shot is the tongue of the giant Zombie going horizontally in the air to the opponent.


  • Z's Zombie is a lot bigger than Z himself. Maybe he isn't a zombie, but rather another mutant creature of some sort.