Thunderbolt Shot

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Thunderbolt Shot
Cameroon Shot-1.png
General information
Power Shot Name Thunderbolt Shot
Power Shot Sort Straight-Line Shot
Power Shot User Cameroon
Kepler 22B
Duration of Power Shot 3 seconds
Power Shot Effect Electrocution
Power Shot Elements Thunder & Lightning
Icon Icon2.jpg

The Thunderbolt Shot is a power shot and it belongs to Cameroon and Kepler 22B. For his power shot, he shoots flashes of lightning straight at the opponent/you.


The ball is covered in lightning, and it shoots straight across the field. If hit, the opponent turns blue and is surrounded by electricity and is stunned, unable to jump or move quickly. Some characters will not turn blue. Cameroon's Power Shot is slightly better than South Korea in the way that it has an after effect, but it is still a very bad power shot overall.


When you get hit by Cameroon's Power Shot, you will turn blue and you can do nothing but walk slowly and kick. Some character's don't turn blue when they get hit by Cameroon's Thunderbolt Shot and they have the lightning bolts on them.


You can hear lightning and Cameroon says: "Thunderbolt Shot."