The Devil's Ghosts

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Devil's Ghosts
Devil's Ghost.gif
General information
Name Devil's Ghosts
User of this element Devil
Power Shot Name Vampire Shot
Power Shot Effect Ground Shot -
Power Shot Effect Air Shot Multi Shot

Devil's Ghosts are the Power Shot Elements of Devil.

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The Head Soccer Wiki has a collection of images related to The Devil's Ghosts.


Devil Ghosts are white ghosts. Devil's Ghosts come out the ground. Purple smoke will come out the ground, where the ghosts are.

Power Shot

Vampire Shot (Devil's Air Shot)

The Devil's Power Shot is the Vampire Shot. When devil activates his power, Devil's Ghosts will come from where the Devil is it will move up and down slightly and if it hits the opposing player it will stuff them in the ground. Behind that shadow is another smaller shadow that contains the ball in its mouth and two more larger ones that will also trample the player.

Devil's Ghost 2.gif Devil's Ghost 3.gif Devil's Ghost 4.gif