Stone Statue

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Stone Statue
Screenshot 2016-01-15-20-38-44.png
Stone Statue
General information
Name Stone Statue
User(s) of this effect PumpKill (If he wears the Costume)
Effect You will be Stone Statue and can't move, kick, dash, use power shot and jump.
Power Shot(s) Name or Costume(s) name Medusa Costume

Stone Statue is a costume effect in Head Soccer. Medusa Costume makes this effect.


It is a stone statue that is referencing stone statues from Easter Islands.


You can't walk, jump, kick or use your Power Shot and you are easy to kick away.


Medusa Costume (PumpKill's Costume)

Costume 085.png

Every few seconds, the biggest snake in the middle shoots a small laser, diagonally downwards out of its mouth. If opponent gets hit by it, he/she transforms into a stone statue. In Greek mythology, it is also described that when you look into Medusa's eyes you will turn into a rock.


  • It's the only costume effect in Head Soccer based on mythology.