South Africa's Golem

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South Africa's Golem
South Africa's Golem.gif
General information
Name South Africa's Golem
User of this element South Africa
Power Shot Name Golem Shot
Power Shot Effect Ground Shot Straight Line Shot
Power Shot Effect Air Shot Straight Line Shot

South Africa's Golem is the Power Shot Element of South Africa.

Head Soccer Logo.png
The Head Soccer Wiki has a collection of images related to South Africa's Golem.


It's a light brown golem with green hair. Also it has 2 headthings on his head.

South Africa's

Golem Laser Shot (South Africa's Air Shot)

Air Power Shot is the Golem Shot. When activated in mid-air South Africa's Golem is summoned with the ball and charges, with its massive head ducked down, with the ball inside. South Africa's Golem will combust upon contact, sending the massive ball forwards, towards the goal

South Africa's Golem Air.gif

South Africa's Golem Air 2.gif

Golem Exploding Shot (South Africa's Ground Shot)

When activated on the ground South Africa's Golem will explode shortly after the activation and the ball will be in the big golem fist that shoots forward the enemy's goal. The best position to use it is in the middle ower Shot

South Africa's Golem Ground.gif