Sky Kick Shot

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Sky Kick Shot
Screenshot 2016-03-23-17-08-18 1.jpg
Sky Kick Shot
General information
Power Shot Name Sky Kick Shot
Power Shot Sort Downward Slanting
Power Shot User Hong Kong
Duration of Power Shot TBA
Power Shot Effect Dizzy
Power Shot Elements -
Icon Icon52-1-.png

The Sky Kick Shot is a Power Shot and it belongs to Hong Kong.


He hurls himself up in the air, before coming diagonally down, at a 45-degree angle. If the opponent is hit in the face, he will be kicked rapidly in the face, taking significant damage, for about 2–3 seconds, before he is left unconscious and fallen, like Nigeria and Argentina's effect, for another about 3–4 seconds. Note that in the 2–3 seconds long kicking time, Hong Kong can not be controlled. If the opponent is hit in the back of the head, he will be stunned and knocked into your goal and you land where the opponent had been standing, without having to wait long to get control of yourself.


Hong Kong will give you a lot of punshes and you will be dizzy.


He screams as he´s about to charge at the opponent