Red Fist Shot

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Red Fist Shot
Asura Shot-0.png
General information
Power Shot Name Red Fist Shot
Power Shot Sort Destructive

Straight Lined

Power Shot User Asura
Duration of Power Shot 4 seconds
Power Shot Effect Flatten
Power Shot Elements Asura's Fists
Icon Icon24.png

The Red Fist Shot is a power shot and it belongs to Asura.


Right when he uses the power shot, four red fists will come out of the four corners of his head and if the defender touches them, he will get hurt for just that one time, a fact many people don't know. Once he touches the ball to start his power up, he will fly towards his goal, staying at whatever altitude he was already at, and he says "Erie... Ra-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta" in a very loud voice. Before the ball is shot, many of his fists will shoot out from him towards the defenders end of the goal. These fists will knock the defender back, destroy any costumes he has on, and deal critical damage to the defender. The actual ball will be shot forward at the defender after all other fists are fired, so the actual ball will be the highest shot, so don't jump too high or else it might not go in the goal. If the defender does manage to block the ball, then he will be pounded to the ground by a huge red fist that comes from the top of the screen. This fist crushes the defender so that he is flattened to the ground. While crushed, the defender cannot move or deflect the ball; Asura can walk over him and the ball will roll straight over him as well. He (obviously) can't use his power shot then.


If you get touched by the ball, you can't move for a little bit and then a big red fist going downwards will quickly punch you once and you be flattened on the ground for 2.5 seconds.


Asura yells and then says: "Ra-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta!" really quickly.