Monkey Shot

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Monkey Shot
Monkey Shot
General information
Power Shot Name Monkey Shot
Power Shot Sort Straight Line
Power Shot User China
Duration of Power Shot 5 Seconds
Power Shot Effect Damage
Power Shot Elements China's Monkeys
Icon Icon29.png

The Monkey Shot is a Power Shot and it belongs to China.


When the crown is still intact, numerous monkeys floating on clouds carrying golden spears appear and fly towards the opponent's side of the pitch, although they do absolutely no damage. They are only meant to cause some confusion when the ball with a bright light behind is launched. If the player manages to block the ball, he/she will be put in a basket and will be whacked by the monkeys, making it possible to go through him/her.


China's monkeys starts kicking you, if you touch the Monkey with the ball.


China makes some weird scream.