Fired Birds Shot

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Fired Birds Shot
Screenshot 2016-04-26-10-11-28 1.jpg
General information
Power Shot Name Fired Birds Shot
Power Shot Sort Downwards Slanting Shot
Power Shot User Finland
Duration of Power Shot 7 seconds
Power Shot Effect Melting
Power Shot Elements Finland's Angry Birds
Icon Icon64.png

The Fire Birds Shot is a Power Shot and it belongs to Finland.


Finland places down a large slingshot, and loads it with 5 blue-black birds resembling penguins. They shoot into the air, and 3 of them catch on fire. The other 2 drop down to the floor and don't have any effects. They dive down into different areas, and melt the opponent upon contact. All 3 penguins carry a ball and it is usually the middle one that will score the goal, but it varies depending on where he is.


The opponent will be melted down and disappear.
