Denmark's Rocket Launcher

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Denmark's Rocket Launcher
Denmark's Rocket Launcher 1.gif
General information
Name Denmark's Rocket Launcher
User of this element Denmark
Power Shot Name Missile Launcher Shot
Power Shot Effect Ground Shot -
Power Shot Effect Air Shot Straight Line Shot

Denmark's Rocket Launcher is the Power Shot Element of Denmark.

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The Head Soccer Wiki has a collection of images related to Denmark's Rocket Launcher.


It looks like a grey mask with 6 holes in it. The back side is brownish. It can also be a dirty type of golden.

Power Shot

Missile Launcher Shot (Power Shot)

The missile launcher fires rockets at the opponent, and causes a few explosions. The real ball is in an red rocket and will be fired on a random place. This rocket can go through Denmark.

Denmark's Rocket Launcher 2.gif Denmark's Rocket Launcher 3.gif Denmark's Rocket.gif
