Boom Shuriken Shot

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Boom Shuriken Shot
Boom Shuriken Shot
General information
Power Shot Name Boom Shuriken Shot
Power Shot Sort Downward Slanting
Power Shot User Singapore
Duration of Power Shot 4 seconds
Power Shot Effect Disappear
Power Shot Elements Singapore's Shuriken
Icon Icon45.png

The Boom Shuriken Shot is a Power Shot and it belongs to Singapore.


Singapore will split into three identical versions of himself and remove any Costume, if he wears one. The three of them together will put their hands together, making a big Shuriken and throwing it into the air to the opponent, which smashes down into the ground and then towards the sky, instead towards the opponent's goal. If the opponent manages to block the shuriken, he/she will disappear for a few seconds, allowing Singapore to score. This Power Shot can be easy to counter.


When the opponent touches the Shuriken, he will disappear.


Singapore says something like "OOH! SUCKA!"