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Hello all, I'm a new member to the forum, I'm from the USA and I'm a huge fan of head soccer. I have currently acquired every character, hat, pet, and body in the game (with the exception of Mon-K because I couldn't be bothered). The only characters I have bought with points are Hong Kong, Finland, Bulgaria and unfortunately, Norway (I wanted to unlock him fair and square, but I made a mistake at stage 64 lol). My proudest achievements are probably unlocking Greece, Panama, or Mongolia completely fair. My favorite character is Panama by FAR, I never lose now that I have mastered her. My favorite hat to play with is the dragon hat, and my favorite hat as far as appearance is the Medusa hat. My knowledge of the game is very extensive and I would be delighted to answer any questions you may have to the best of my abilities. Hopefully I can make a difference and I'm excited to participate! :)