Bubble Effect

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(Redirected from Turkey's Bubble)
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Bubble Effect
Turkey's Bubble.gif
General information
Name Bubble Effect
User(s) of this effect Turkey
user of the Bubble Costume
Effect The opponent is stuck in the bubble and can't move until the bubble opens.
Power Shot(s) Name or Costume(s) name Bubble Shot and Bubble Costume

Bubble Effect is the Power Shot Effect of Turkey and the Bubble Costume.


It's a blue bubble that carries the opponent.


The opponent is stuck in the bubble and can't move until the bubble opens.

Turkey's Bubble 2.gif Turkey's Bubble 3.gif

Power Shot

Bubble Shot

When Turkey uses his Power Shot, Water appears and the ball flies horizontally toward the opponent. When the opponent touches the ball, he/she will be in Turkey's bubble. The bubble flies upwards, and opens in 3 seconds.


Bubble Costume (South Africa's costume)

Head Soccer Logo.png
The Head Soccer Wiki has a collection of images related to Bubble Effect.

The cannon will shoot in about 3 seconds a bubble towards the opponent. When the opponent touches this bubble, he/she will be inside it and float up in the air. After around 2 seconds, the bubble breaks and the opponent drops out of it.