Nepal's Robot

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Nepal's Robot
Nepal's Robot.gif
General information
Name Nepal's Robot
User of this element Nepal
Power Shot Name Robot Shot
Power Shot Effect Ground Shot Straight line Shot
Power Shot Effect Air Shot Downward Shot

Nepal's Robot is the Power Shot and Counter Attack Element of Nepal.

Head Soccer Logo.png
The Head Soccer Wiki has a collection of images related to Nepal's Robot.


Nepal's Robot is red with a face. The eye color of the robot is Blue. Also it have two legs with black feet. On the shoulder is a yellow star.

Power Shot

Robot Missiles Shot (Nepal's Ground Shot)

Nepal's Ground Shot is called the Robot Missiles shot. Nepal's Robot becomes much bigger than it was. Then it will shoot missiles to everywhere on the field. Also, some missiles fall from the air. When he stops shooting, the ball will shoot out of the robot.

Nepal's Robot Ground.gif

Robot Planet Shot (Nepal's Air Shot)

When Nepal's Power Shot is used in the air is it called the Robot Planet Shot. Nepal's robot will fly in the air and with his robot and he goes rotate. Rotating Nepal's Robot goes in the air out of the screen. 1 second later Nepal's Robot appears with a planet. Nepal's Robot throws the planet to the opponent. If the opponent touches this he will explode and disappear.

Nepal's Robot Rotating.gifNepal's Robot Air.gif

Robot Laser Shot (Counter Attack)

Nepal's Counter Attack is called the Robot Laser Shot. Nepal's Robot become again bigger and fly in the air and he will transform into the bigger version. Now his eyes will shoot two lasers and he aims it towards the opponent's goal. Somewhere behind the laser is the ball. When the opponent touches the laser he will get pushed and stunned in their own goal and the ball will go in the goal.

Nepal's Robot Counter.gif