Green Carnivorous Plants

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Green Carnivorous Plants
Obstacle 18.gif
General informations
Full name Green Carnivorous Plants
Stage 18 and possibly 29
Effect Every now and then the Green Carnivorous Plants open their beaks and bite towards the ground. When a player gets eaten, he disappears and only a skull and some bones are left from him.
Aims? Yes
Boss of this Obstacle Luxembourg
Boss's Costume Bomb Costume

Green Carnivorous Plants are an obstacle in Death Mode Stage 18 and probably stage 29.


It is somewhat referencing the Venus Flytrap and looks similar to the one in Luxembourg's power shot, he is also the boss in this stage. But this one is in flower pot decorated with bones. It also has leaves at the base of the plant. When it eats, its teeth can be seen. There's 2 of them on stadium, in front of both player's goals, facing to the centre. In boss match, there's also one in the middle, facing towards you.


When you or the opponent goes in front of the plant, the plant tries to eat the character. If it succeeds, the character is removed for four seconds. Then, a skull and some bones are spat out of its mouth. You can dodge it by moving quickly away.


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The Head Soccer Wiki has a collection of images related to Green Carnivorous Plants.