Board Thread:News and Announcements/@comment-26272757-20171007152523/@comment-27985750-20171008155043

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Neutral.png I neither support, oppose, or am neutral

I have a completely different solution to before. It takes into consideration all your ideas, I hope.

1. We let anonymous users edit and comment.

2. We establish something resembling a terms of use, on the home page, although I appreciate this may not be effective and would take time and effort.

3. We enforce harsher block sentences, and any deliberate vandalism must be immediately reported to an admin, who should block them for at LEAST a month, as by then they could have forgotten of the wiki. I would recommend most sentences being lifetime, for non-users and users.

4. We praise certain anonymous contributors for good edits, and encourage them to create an account on their wall.

5. We work with them and if they mistakenly vandalise, perhaps, accidentally messing up a page on source mode, we help them get things right.

6. Work with each other, and don't curse other's ideas.

Thank you for reading. I would appreciate any constructive criticism.
