Austria's Catapult

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Austria's Catapult
Austria's Catapult.gif
General information
Name Austria's Catapult
User of this element Austria
Power Shot Name Triple Boulder Shot
Power Shot Effect Ground Shot Downward Shot
Power Shot Effect Air Shot Downward Shot

Austria's Catapult is the Power Shot Element of Austria.


Austria's Catapult is a grey with brown Catapult. It has a long arm.

Austria's Catapult Arm.gif

Power Shots

Head Soccer Logo.png
The Head Soccer Wiki has a collection of images related to Austria's Catapult.

Catapult Shot (Austria's Air Shot)

In the Air Shot, he yells "CATAPULT" and Austria's catapult that he summons shoots twice. The first shot launches 3 molten boulders equally spaced apart ranging from half court to the opponents aiming to temporarily immobilizing the opponent. Then the boulder with the soccer ball is slowly launched across the field and into the net. The ball would most likely be a goal if the opponent is immobilized by the 3 boulders. If the 3 boulders are dodged, the opponent has the chance to dash back to it's net, jump and kick counter attack. The key of Counter Attacking is to miss the 3 boulders.

Boulder Small.gif

Catapult 2 Shot (Austrial's Ground Shot)

The Ground Shot is when he Yells "ARE YOU READY" and Austria's Catapult Launches a giant fiery boulder coming down at a 45 degree angle similar to Super Saiyan and Australia. This can be easily countered by all characters even South Korea. If the giant boulder is not countered, the player can get HEAVILY damaged. This power shot can't be pushed away unlike Italy's giant shot. If the opponent of Austria touch the giant Boulder he is unconscious for 5 seconds. Then the gaint boulder is a giant ball like Italy's Power Shot.


Catapult 3 Shot (Austria's Counter Attack)

Austria's catapult is summoned quickly as he yells "READY" and a small powerful boulder shoots at 3x the speed of the normal shot at a 40 degree angle into the opponent's net. You need very good reflexes to counter attack his counters, as this is extremely powerful if the opponent is near Austria's net and can't get back to their own net to block the very fast shot which will normally result in a goal.